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Rachel Thompson r@chel@thomp@on @ending from @tudent@uv@@nl
Fri Jan 4 19:24:26 CET 2019

Dear Mr/Mrs,

This is my first time working in R studio.
I have a database of 36 participants but it has 150600 entries.
Column -         Column - Column            - Column

Participant       Activityprobe - Activity Level  - High/low/none

Participant       Screenprobe - screenon/off     -

Participant       SMSprobe etc

Participant       CallLogProbe etc.

I need a code that helps me count the activity level of all the participants
High activity level. No activity level and Low activity level.
And to help me find out for every participant what the percentages are of
all their high/no/low activity.

For screenprobe I need to count how many times the participant turned their
screen on and how many times they turned it off and the percentage of
screen on/off.

For callLog I need to count how many times each participant got called and
the percentage.

For SMS I need to count the number of SMS for each participant and their

I also need to categorize the probes. So that my database shows all the
activity levels first, organized by none/high/low and then all the
screenprobes, organized by on and off etc...

I hope that my description is clear and that you can maybe help me.



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