[R] Transformations in Tidyverse (renaming and ordering columns)
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Mon Oct 22 21:55:30 CEST 2018
IMO your question is flawed in that it does not present a desired output.
One thought that occurs to me is that perhaps you should stop treating
everything like a nail and use some different tools, like nest and a for
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
testset <- as_tibble(tribble(~Section, ~Observation, ~Order, ~Fiscal, ~Value,
"A", "One", 1, "2016-17", 419,
"A", "One", 1, "2017-18", 499,
"A", "One", 1, "2018-19", 463,
"A", "Two", 2, "2016-17", 391,
"A", "Two", 2, "2017-18", 445,
"A", "Two", 2, "2018-19", 423,
"A", "Three", 3, "2016-17", 348,
"A", "Three", 3, "2017-18", 353,
"A", "Three", 3, "2018-19", 357,
"B", "One", 1, "2016-17", 418,
"B", "One", 1, "2017-18", 498,
"B", "One", 1, "2018-19", 462,
"B", "Two", 2, "2016-17", 390,
"B", "Two", 2, "2017-18", 444,
"B", "Two", 2, "2018-19", 422,
"B", "Three", 3, "2016-17", 347,
"B", "Three", 3, "2017-18", 352,
"B", "Three", 3, "2018-19", 356
sections <- ( testset
%>% select( -Order )
%>% spread( Observation, Value )
%>% nest( -Section )
# look at one of the sub-tables
sections[[ "data" ]][[1]]
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#> Fiscal One Three Two
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2016-17 419 348 391
#> 2 2017-18 499 353 445
#> 3 2018-19 463 357 423
# print out the tables with captions
for ( rw in seq.int( nrow( sections ) ) ) {
print( knitr::kable( sections[[ "data" ]][ rw ]
, caption = paste( "Section"
, sections[[ "Section" ]][ rw ] )
, format = "pandoc"
#> Section A
#> Fiscal One Three Two
#> -------- ---- ------ ----
#> 2016-17 419 348 391
#> 2017-18 499 353 445
#> 2018-19 463 357 423
#> Section B
#> Fiscal One Three Two
#> -------- ---- ------ ----
#> 2016-17 418 347 390
#> 2017-18 498 352 444
#> 2018-19 462 356 422
On Mon, 22 Oct 2018, Joel Maxuel wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am slowly picking away at a factsheet that will include several result
> sets from a single tibble (there is a column identifying the section title)
> and would like to have that value in the top left corner of each resulting
> table. When using the `spread` function, I see that any remaining columns
> not identified by `key` nor `value` will be placed to the far left.
> Like the example below, I would like the column label Fiscal be renamed to
> the data value "A", so the top-left of the result is "A". However, if I
> try to progmatically set the column name, I run into issues:
> library(knitr)
> library(tidyverse)
> library(tibble)
> library(dplyr)
> library(magrittr)
> testset <- as_tibble(tribble(~Section, ~Observation, ~Order, ~Fiscal,
> ~Value,
> "A", "One", 1, "2016-17", 419,
> "A", "One", 1, "2017-18", 499,
> "A", "One", 1, "2018-19", 463,
> "A", "Two", 2, "2016-17", 391,
> "A", "Two", 2, "2017-18", 445,
> "A", "Two", 2, "2018-19", 423,
> "A", "Three", 3, "2016-17", 348,
> "A", "Three", 3, "2017-18", 353,
> "A", "Three", 3, "2018-19", 357))
> sectionA <- as_tibble(filter(testset, Section == "A")) # Mind you for this
> example, does very little
> spread(select(sectionA, Observation, "A" = Fiscal, Value), key=Observation,
> value=Value) # Works, with reservations
> spread(select(sectionA, Observation, slice(sectionA,1) %>%
> magrittr::extract2("Section") = Fiscal, Value), key=Observation,
> value=Value) # Produces error:
> # Error: unexpected '=' in "spread(select(sectionA, Observation,
> slice(sectionA,1) %>% magrittr::extract2("Section") ="
> I presume my premise is very wrong.
> Also, I am curious how to sort columns (and rows) with extra columns
> (/rows) not meant for display. In this case, the columns One, Two, and
> Three (in real life won't be linguistic representations of numbers), are
> out of order - however I do have the Order column to fix that (if I knew
> how to include it for sorting purposes, without displaying it). A few
> hints here would help. (Perhaps there is column/row hiding in kableExtra -
> which I will be using later on?)
> --
> Cheers,
> Joel Maxuel
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