[R] year and week to date - before 1/1 and after 12/31
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Thu Oct 18 05:19:01 CEST 2018
You cannot obtain a predictable result by sending invalid time
representation data to strptime... you have to work with valid time
See sample approach below:
weekEnds <- function( DF ) {
d1_1 <- as.Date( sprintf( "%04d 1 1"
, DF[[ "Y" ]]
, format = "%Y %U %u"
d52_7 <- as.Date( sprintf( "%04d 52 7"
, DF[[ "Y" ]]
, format = "%Y %U %u"
week <- as.difftime( 7, units = "days" )
day <- as.difftime( 1, units = "days" )
d <- as.Date( sprintf( "%04d %d 1"
, DF[[ "Y" ]]
, DF[[ "wn" ]]
, format = "%Y %U %u"
before <- 0 == DF[[ "wn" ]]
after <- 53 == DF[[ "wn" ]]
d[ before ] <- d1_1[ before ] - week
d[ after ] <- d52_7[ after ] + day
DF[[ "weekBegin" ]] <- d
DF[[ "weekEnd" ]] <- d + week
tst <- expand.grid( Y = 2000:2028
, wn = c( 0, 1, 53 )
result <- weekEnds( tst )
set.seed( 42 )
result[ sample( nrow( result ), 5 ), ]
#> Y wn weekBegin weekEnd
#> 80 2021 53 2021-12-27 2022-01-03
#> 81 2022 53 2022-12-26 2023-01-02
#> 25 2024 0 2024-01-01 2024-01-08
#> 70 2011 53 2011-12-26 2012-01-02
#> 54 2024 1 2024-01-08 2024-01-15
sum( is.na( result$weekBegin ) )
#> [1] 0
On Tue, 16 Oct 2018, peter salzman wrote:
> hi,
> thanks for replying,
> it has taken some time to understand
> i have year+week and i need to find the 1st day and the last day of that week
> i can decide when week starts
> for example these 3 examples:
> df <- data.frame(id = 1:3, year = c(2018, 2018, 2018), week=c(0,1,52))
> ## now run for all 3 rows:
> for (kk in 1:3) {
> print(df[kk,])
> print('## version 1')
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Sun',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Mon',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Tue',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Wed',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Thu',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Fri',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'Sat',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %a") )
> print('## version 2')
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'7',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'1',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'2',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'3',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'4',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'5',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> print(as.Date(paste(df$year[kk],df$week[kk],'6',sep=' '), format = "%Y %U %u") )
> }
> for week 0 we get NA for Sunday because it was Dec 31, 2017
> similarly for week 52 we get NA for Tue,Wed, ... because these are in January of 2019
> my hope was to write
> as.Date(paste(year,week,1), format "%Y %month %weekday")
> as.Date(paste(year,week,7), format "%Y %month %weekday")
> and get the first and last day of the given week even at the beginning and end of year
> for example
> as.Date("2018 0 Sun","%Y %U %a") = '2017-12-31'
> i hope this makes sense.
> thanks for replying
> peter
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 2:11 PM Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil using dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> Er, my mistake, you are using %U not %W... but now I am really confused, because the first Sunday is trivial with %U/%u.
> Can you clarify what your actual upstream input is? Is it an invalid date string as you say below, or is it year number?
> On October 16, 2018 10:22:10 AM PDT, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil using dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> >If the date in your character representation does not exist then there
> >is no requirement for a POSIX function to give any reliable answer...
> >including NA. Using 00 as the week number won't always work.
> >
> >The first week/weekday combination that is guaranteed to exist by POSIX
> >is 1/1 (first Monday). If the corresponding mon/mday is 1/1 then no
> >days exist in week zero for that year and the first Sunday is 6 days
> >more than the mday of the first Monday, else the mday of the first
> >Sunday is one day less than the mday of the first Monday.
> >
> >You should if at all possible repair the computations that are creating
> >the invalid string dates you mention.
> >
> >On October 16, 2018 8:11:12 AM PDT, peter salzman
> ><peter.salzmanuser using gmail.com> wrote:
> >>it is simpler than i thought
> >>
> >>first day of given week is the last day minus 6days
> >>
> >>in other words:
> >>d1 = as.Date('2018 00 Sat',format="%Y %U %a") - 6
> >>d2 = as.Date('2018 00 Sun',format="%Y %U %a")
> >>are the same as long both are not NA
> >>
> >>therefore to get the one that is not NA one can do
> >>
> >>max( c(d1,d2), na.rm=TRUE )
> >>
> >>maybe there is some other trick
> >>
> >>best,
> >>peter
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 10:22 AM peter salzman
> >><peter.salzmanuser using gmail.com>
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>> hi,
> >>>
> >>> to turn year and week into the date one can do the following:
> >>>
> >>> as.Date('2018 05 Sun', "%Y %W %a")
> >>>
> >>> however, when we want the Sunday (1st day of week) of the 1st week
> >of
> >>2018
> >>> we get NA because 1/1/2018 was on Monday
> >>>
> >>> as.Date('2018 00 Mon',format="%Y %U %a")
> >>> ## 2018-01-01
> >>> as.Date('2018 00 Sun',format="%Y %U %a")
> >>> ## NA
> >>>
> >>> btw the same goes for last week
> >>> as.Date('2017 53 Sun',format="%Y %U %a")
> >>> ## 2017-12-31
> >>> as.Date('2017 53 Mon',format="%Y %U %a")
> >>> ## NA
> >>>
> >>> So my question is :
> >>> how do i get
> >>> from "2018 00 Sun" to 2018-12-31
> >>> and
> >>> from "2017 53 Mon" to 2018-01-01
> >>>
> >>> i realize i can loop over days of week and do some if/then
> >>statements,
> >>> but is there a built in function?
> >>>
> >>> thank you
> >>> peter
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Peter Salzman, PhD
> >>> Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology
> >>> University of Rochester
> >>>
> --
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
> --
> Peter Salzman, PhD
> Greater Boston Area, MA
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