[R] [R-pkgs] New package pivmet: relabelling and K-means seeding via pivotal methods

legidi m@ili@g off u@its@it legidi m@ili@g off u@its@it
Fri Nov 23 13:13:27 CET 2018

Dear R users,

I am glad to announce the release (version 0.1) of the pivmet package,  
which proposes some pivotal methods in order to:

* undo the label switching problem which naturally arises during the  
MCMC sampling in Bayesian mixture models [pivotal relabelling] (Egidi  
et al. 2018a)

* initialize the K-means algorithm aimed at obtaining a good  
clustering solution [pivotal seeding] (Egidi et al. 2018b)

The package includes two vignettes for easing its use and is here available:


and developed in github at:


Here are the two referred articles:

Egidi et al. (2018a)

Egidi et al. (2018b)

All the best

Leonardo Egidi
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Trieste

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