[R] cox model

David Winsemius dw|n@em|u@ @end|ng |rom comc@@t@net
Sat Nov 3 21:41:15 CET 2018

It's also "well described" in the help materials for the obvious 
recommended package that ships with every copy of R. My copy sits at Therneau's S 
package was first ported to R by Thomas Lumley and later Therneau took 
over maintenance.



On 11/3/18 12:51 PM, Medic wrote:
> I need a R-code for a situation that is well described in the sas help. I
> would be very grateful for the help!
> "Time-dependent variables can be used to model the effects of subjects
> transferring from one treatment group to another. One example of the need
> for such strategies is the Stanford heart transplant program. Patients are
> accepted if physicians judge them suitable for heart transplant. Then, when
> a donor becomes available, physicians choose transplant recipients
> according to various medical criteria. A patient’s status can be changed
> during the study from waiting for a transplant to being a transplant
> recipient. Transplant status can be defined by the time-dependent covariate
> function z=z(t) as:
> z(t)= 0 (if the patient has not received the transplant at time t)
> and 1 (if has received)
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