[R] Plotting quarterly time series

phil at philipsmith.ca phil at philipsmith.ca
Tue Jan 30 03:04:18 CET 2018


Thank you so much for your help. You have solved my problem.

> Using Achim's d this also works to generate z where FUN is a function used
> to transform the index column and format is also passed to FUN.
> z <- read.zoo(d, index = "time", FUN = as.yearqtr, format = "Q%q %Y")
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis at uibk.ac.at>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 28 Jan 2018, phil at philipsmith.ca wrote:
>>> I have a data set with quarterly time series for several variables. The
>>> time index is recorded in column 1 of the dataframe as a character
>>> vector
>>> "Q1 1961", "Q2 1961","Q3 1961", "Q4 1961", "Q1 1962", etc. I want to
>>> produce
>>> line plots with ggplot2, but it seems I need to convert the time index
>>> from
>>> character to date class. Is that right? If so, how do I make the
>>> conversion?
>> You can use the yearqtr class in the zoo package, converting with
>> as.yearqtr(..., format = "Q%q %Y"). zoo also provides an autoplot()
>> method
>> for ggplot2-based time series visualizations. See ?autoplot.zoo for
>> various
>> examples.
>> ## example data similar to your description
>> d <- data.frame(sin = sin(1:8), cos = cos(1:8))
>> d$time <- c("Q1 1961", "Q2 1961", "Q3 1961", "Q4 1961", "Q1 1962",
>>   "Q2 1962", "Q3 1962", "Q4 1962")
>> ## convert to zoo series
>> library("zoo")
>> z <- zoo(as.matrix(d[, 1:2]), as.yearqtr(d$time, "Q%q %Y"))
>> ## ggplot2 display
>> library("ggplot2")
>> autoplot(z)
>> ## with nicer axis scaling
>> autoplot(z) + scale_x_yearqtr()
>> ## some variations
>> autoplot(z, facets = Series ~ .) + scale_x_yearqtr() + geom_point()
>> autoplot(z, facets = NULL) + scale_x_yearqtr() + geom_point()
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