[R] Replace NAs in split lists

Ek Esawi esawiek at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 17:55:40 CET 2018

OPS!  Sorry i did indeed posted the code in HTML; should have known better.

error. unexpected symbol in sdf2

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Jeff Newmiller
<jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> I don't know. You seem to be posting in HTML so your code is mangled. Can you post plain text and use the reprex package to make sure it produces the errorin a clean R session?
> --
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
> On January 8, 2018 8:03:45 AM PST, Ek Esawi <esawiek at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Thank you Jeff. Your code works, as usual , perfectly. I am just
>>wondering why if i put the whole code in one line, i get an error
>>sdf2 <- lapply( sdf, function(z){z$Value
>>error. unexpected symbol in sdf2
>>Thanks again
>>On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 3:12 AM, Jeff Newmiller
>><jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
>>> Upon closer examination I see that you are not using the split
>>version of
>>> df1 as I usually would, so here is a reproducible example:
>>> #----
>>> df1 <- read.table( text=
>>> "ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>> 1  a   aa   TRUE     2
>>> 2  a   ab  FALSE    NA
>>> 3  a   ac  FALSE    NA
>>> 4  b   aa   TRUE     5
>>> 5  b   ab  FALSE    NA
>>> ", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE )
>>> sdf <- split( df1, df1$ID )
>>> # note the extra [ 1 ] in case you have more than one non-NA value #
>>per ID
>>> sdf2 <- lapply( sdf
>>>               , function( z ) {
>>>                  z$Value <- ifelse( is.na( z$Value )
>>>                                   , z$Value[ !is.na( z$Value ) ][ 1 ]
>>>                                   , z$Value
>>>                                   )
>>>                  z
>>>                 }
>>>               )
>>> df2 <- do.call( rbind, sdf2 )
>>> df2
>>> #>     ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>> #> a.1  a   aa   TRUE     2
>>> #> a.2  a   ab  FALSE     2
>>> #> a.3  a   ac  FALSE     2
>>> #> b.4  b   aa   TRUE     5
>>> #> b.5  b   ab  FALSE     5
>>> # or using tidyverse methods
>>> library(dplyr)
>>> #>
>>> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
>>> #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
>>> #>
>>> #>     filter, lag
>>> #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
>>> #>
>>> #>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
>>> df3 <- (   df1
>>>        %>% group_by( ID )
>>>        %>% do({
>>>               mutate( .
>>>                     , Value = ifelse( is.na( Value )
>>>                                     , Value[ !is.na( Value ) ][ 1 ]
>>>                                     , Value
>>>                                     )
>>>                     )
>>>            })
>>>        %>% ungroup
>>>        )
>>> df3
>>> #> # A tibble: 5 x 4
>>> #>   ID    ID_2  Firist Value
>>> #>   <chr> <chr> <lgl>  <int>
>>> #> 1 a     aa    T          2
>>> #> 2 a     ab    F          2
>>> #> 3 a     ac    F          2
>>> #> 4 b     aa    T          5
>>> #> 5 b     ab    F          5
>>> #----
>>> On Sun, 7 Jan 2018, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
>>>> Why do you want to modify df1?
>>>> Why not just reassemble the parts as a new data frame and use that
>>>> forward in your calculations? That is generally the preferred
>>approach in R
>>>> so you can re-do your calculations easily if you find a mistake
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
>>>> On January 7, 2018 7:35:59 PM PST, Ek Esawi <esawiek at gmail.com>
>>>>> I just came up with a solution right after i posted the question,
>>>>> i figured there must be a better and shorter one.than my solution
>>>>> sdf1[[1]][1,4]<-lapplyresults[[1]]
>>>>> sdf1[[2]][1,4]<-lapplyresults[[2]]
>>>>> EK
>>>>> On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 10:13 PM, Ek Esawi <esawiek at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Hi all--
>>>>>> I stumbled on this problem online. I did not like the solution
>>>>>> there which was a long UDF. I thought why cannot split and l/s
>>>>>> work here. My aim is to split the data frame, use l/sapply, make
>>>>>> changes on the split lists and combine the split lists to new data
>>>>>> frame with the desired changes/output.
>>>>>> The data frame shown below has a column named ID which has 2
>>>>> variables
>>>>>> a and b; i want to replace the NAs on the Value column by 2, which
>>>>>> the only numeric entry, for ID=a and by 5 for ID=b.
>>>>>> I worked out the solution but could not replace the results in the
>>>>> split lists.
>>>>>> Original dataframe , df1
>>>>>>   ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>>>>> 1  a   aa   TRUE     2
>>>>>> 2  a   ab  FALSE    NA
>>>>>> 3  a   ac  FALSE    NA
>>>>>> 4  b   aa   TRUE     5
>>>>>> 5  b   ab  FALSE    NA
>>>>>> Sdf1
>>>>>> $a
>>>>>> ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>>>>> 1  a   aa   TRUE     2
>>>>>> 2  a   ab  FALSE    NA
>>>>>> 3  a   ac  FALSE    NA
>>>>>> $b
>>>>>>   ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>>>>> 4  b   aa   TRUE     5
>>>>>> 5  b   ab  FALSE    NA
>>>>>> Desired results
>>>>>> ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>>>>> 1  a   aa   TRUE    2
>>>>>> 2  a   ab  FALSE    2
>>>>>> 3  a   ac  FALSE    2
>>>>>> $b
>>>>>>   ID ID_2 Firist Value
>>>>>> 4  b   aa   TRUE     5
>>>>>> 5  b   ab  FALSE     5
>>>>>> My code
>>>>>> sdf <- split(df1,df$ID)
>>>>>> lapply(sdf, function(z)
>>>>> ifelse(is.na(z$Value),z$Value[!is.na(z$Value)],z$Value))
>>>>>> result:
>>>>>> $ a: num [1:3] 2 2 2
>>>>>> $ b: num [1:2] 5 5
>>>>>> How could I put these two lists back in the split data frame,
>>>>>> Then I could use do.call to reassemble a data frame from the split
>>>>>> lists,
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> EK
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>>> Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go
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