[R] Proposed changes to the R Language

Angus C Hewitt (DHHS) Angu@@Hewitt @ending from dhh@@vic@gov@@u
Fri Dec 28 01:36:42 CET 2018

Hi Team,

Please advise if there are any plans in the pipeline for change the R language to "B"  as proposed in the below mentioned statistical series help at Auckland Uni.


Kind Regards,

Angus Hewitt
Senior Analyst | Decision Support
System Design, Planning & Decision Making |  Health & Well Being
Department of Health and Human Services | 19th floor, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
t. 9096 5859  | m. 0468 364 744 | e. Angus.Hewitt using dhhs.vic.gov.au

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