[R] Transforming data for nice output table
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Tue Aug 21 01:05:03 CEST 2018
If departing from base R into contributed territory, tidyr::spread is
well-suited to this.
dta <- read.csv( "http://doylesdartden.com/R/ExampleData.csv"
, header = TRUE
, as.is = TRUE
result <- ( dta # starting with your data...
# keep only relevant columns
%>% select( Location, Year, GW_Elevation )
# make the key column look like your desired column names
%>% mutate( Year = sprintf( "GW_Elevation %d", Year ) )
# spread the "long" data out "wide"
%>% spread( Year, GW_Elevation )
On Tue, 21 Aug 2018, Jim Lemon wrote:
> Hi David,
> As you want the _values_ of Year from the initial data frame appended
> to the _names_ of GW_Elevation, you can't do it the easy way:
> dddf<-read.table(text="Location Date Year GW_Elevation
> 127(I) 5/14/2006 2006 752.46
> 119(I) 5/14/2006 2006 774.67
> 127(I) 6/11/2007 2007 752.06
> 119(I) 6/11/2007 2007 775.57",
> header=TRUE)
> library(prettyR)
> # easy part
> sdddf<-stretch_df(dddf[c(1,3,4)],"Location",c("Year","GW_Elevation"))
> sdddf
> This only works for a data frame with the structure and names of the initial one
> # hard part
> sdddf_dim<-dim(sdddf)
> nyears<-(sdddf_dim[2] - 1)/2
> fsdddf<-sdddf[,c(1,1:nyears+nyears+1)]
> names(fsdddf)<-c("Location",paste("GW_Elevation",unique(dddf$Year),sep="_"))
> fsdddf
> I would strongly suggest being happy with the easy way, because if the
> order of years isn't ascending, the hard way won't work.
> Jim
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 5:17 AM, David Doyle <kydaviddoyle using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm trying to generate tables of my data out of R for my report.
>> My data is setup in the format as follows and the example can be found at:
>> http://doylesdartden.com/R/ExampleData.csv
>> Location Date Year GW_Elevation
>> 127(I) 5/14/2006 2006 752.46
>> 119(I) 5/14/2006 2006 774.67
>> 127(I) 6/11/2007 2007 752.06
>> 119(I) 6/11/2007 2007 775.57
>> I would like to generate a table that showed
>> Location GW_Elevation 2006 GW_Elevation 2007 GW_Elevation xxx.....
>> 119(I) 774.67 775.57
>> xxxx
>> 127(I) 752.46 752.06
>> xxxx
>> Any thoughts on how to transform the data so it would be in this format??
>> Thank you for your time
>> David Doyle
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