[R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

Chris Battiston darth.pathos at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 20:59:14 CEST 2017

Thanks Bert - you’re absolutely right, although it’s my first post on the R Mailing list, I participate in a number of others and should’ve taken my own advice of “not posting when frustrated”.  

More background - I have tried multiple graphics packages (including iPlots, ggvis, ggplot2, dplyr, etc) using the examples from the documentation.  Copying and pasting the basic examples usually works (I couldn’t get iplots to work, even though i was using JGR as per the documentation) but getting into the more complex examples, especially the ones with the drop downs to filter the data, I could not get to work.  I am running the most recent versions of R and R Studio (3.4 and 1.0.143 respectively) on a MacBook, Mac Desktop, and a Surface Pro with Windows 10 (I was hoping maybe the differences in OS had something to do with the issues, but apparently not).  

Maybe if I describe the goal in more detail, it would be easier.  I have 2 Excel files that I will be getting on a monthly data; one with support tickets and one with customer feedback.  I need to build a dashboard with 4 reports, 2 based on the tickets data and the other on the feedback.  I need to have the dashboard posted to our internal Sharepoint site, so the directors and VPs can go in and see their areas’ data.  The “interconnectedness and interactivity” i was referring to is there needs to be a drop down with all the groups, and when a user selects a department from the dropdown, all 4 graphs update automatically.  

I’m running R locally, so will need something I can export where the file(s) will be self-contained, and then upload them to the Sharepoint.  I know Shiny can do everything I need, but we don’t have any available servers, and the data is extremely sensitive so cannot leave our intranet (per company policy).  

Any thoughts would be appreciated, and apologies again for my previously vague message.


> On Apr 23, 2017, at 2:42 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at gmail.com> wrote:
> "I cannot seem to get them to work as i need them to"  does not
> provide sufficient information for anyone to help you. See -- and
> follow -- the posting guide to get useful help.
> My advice would be to forget it: you need to spend (far) more time
> learning about the options and tools than you have. Be realistic.
> (Of course, others may diagree and be able to rescue you).
> Cheers,
> Bert
> Bert Gunter
> "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
> and sticking things into it."
> -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
> On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 7:29 PM, Chris Battiston <darth.pathos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Good evening,
>> I’m relatively new to using R and am trying to find a way to create a series of interconnected graphs where I have a filter (either a drop down or series of checkboxes) where when an option is selected, all graphs are updated to show that group’s data.  I need to keep these graphs internal to our organization, so can’t use Shiny etc.; I am also unable to run R or other products on my server (company policy).  So, basically what I’m trying to do is create the dashboard on my desktop, export the HTML or whatever files, and post those to the Intranet.  I have tried ggvis, iplots, and a variety of other packages but I cannot seem to get them to work as i need them to.
>> Any suggestions?  I need to present my proposed plan to the directors on Wednesday and really don’t want to use Excel for the graphs - I want this to be intuitive for them, but ensuring that the report is easily maintained and more flexible than a Pivot Table.
>> Thanks so much for your time and have a good evening
>> Chris
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