[R] Setting .Rprofile for RStudio on a Windows 7 x64bit

BR_email br at dmstat1.com
Sat Apr 15 18:06:16 CEST 2017

Hi R-helpers:
Can you offer assistance in my getting .Rprofile and .Rprofile.site to 
run in RStudio?
When I start RStudio nothing happens.
I have put .Rprofile in [1] and [2], and .Rprofile.site in [2].

Below, the info I believe you need to know.
Thanks, in advance, for any help.

The .Rprofile and .Rprofile.site are R-type files, which contain the two 
lines below.
Also, I tried the profile files as text files.
options(prompt="R> ")

>Sys.getenv("HOME") [1] "C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents"
>Sys.getenv("R_HOME") [2] "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.3"


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