[R] difference metric info of same font on different device

Jinsong Zhao jszhao at yeah.net
Sat Apr 8 18:18:49 CEST 2017

On 2017/4/7 23:13, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> I think it is a fundamental characteristic of graphics drivers that output will look different in the details... you are on a wild goose chase. Postscript in particular has a huge advantage in font presentation over other graphics output mechanisms.

I agreed with your opinion on Postscript.

However, as shown in the attached plots in previous post, the glyph 
metric info for any CID-keyed font is based on assumption in R. In fact, 
it's not possible to get the metric info of a CID-keyed font without 
accessing the actual font which may be in truetype or opentype/CFF 
format. And, I don't think R could find the actual font.


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