[R] ggplot2 question plot mean/error bars

Santosh santosh2005 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 23:05:55 CEST 2017

Dear Rxperts..
Here is the updated code.. to the above example.. how do I make the white
circles as "white filled" so that lines in the circles are not shown.?

Thanks and much appreciated....

q <-  data.frame(G=rep(paste("G",1:3,sep=""),each=50),D=rep(
q$r <- q$b*0.1
q2 <- q[order(q$G,q$D,q$a,q$t),]

  q3 <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(with(q2,aggregate(list(b=b),list(D=D,t=t),function(x)
  q3$t <- as.numeric(q3$t)
  q3$b.mean <- as.numeric(q3$b.mean)
  q3$b.sd <- as.numeric(q3$b.sd)
  q3$b.se <- as.numeric(q3$b.se)

+  geom_point(shape=21,size=4) + #,color=IP))
  geom_line() +
  # geom_point(data=ipthd.f[ipthd.f$IP=="Cinacalcet",],fill='white')+
  geom_errorbar(width=.2,aes(ymin=b.mean-b.se,ymax=b.mean+b.se)) +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(16,21)) +
  # scale_shape(solid = T)+
  # scale_shape_identity() +
  # scale_shape_discrete(solid = T) +
   scale_fill_manual(values=c("black","white")) +

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Santosh <santosh2005 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Rxperts..
> I am trying to generate a mean+/- error plot.. using ggplot2.. with filled
> black and white circles and black lines, but no overlap  of lines and
> circles (symbols). Also, with no top and right lines of the plot box. I
> remember having done this before.. unable to reproduce how I did!
> Yes, there are many ways of generating the plot.. Would high appreciate it
> if you could help debug this piece of code.
> Attaching sample code for your convenience..
> Best,
> Santosh
> q <-  data.frame(G=rep(paste("G",1:3,sep=""),each=50),D=rep(
> paste("D",1:5,sep=""),each=30),a=rep(1:15,each=10),t=rep(
> seq(10),15),b=round(runif(150,10,20)))
> q$r <- q$b*0.1
> q2 <- q[order(q$G,q$D,q$a,q$t),]
>   q3 <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(with(q2,aggregate(list(b=b),list(D=D,t=t),function(x)
> c(mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x),se=(sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))))))),stringsAsFactors=F)
>   q3$t <- as.numeric(q3$t)
>   q3$b.mean <- as.numeric(q3$b.mean)
>   q3$b.sd <- as.numeric(q3$b.sd)
>   q3$b.se <- as.numeric(q3$b.se)
> ggplot(q3[as.character(q3$D)%in%c("D1","D2"),],aes(x=t,y=b.mean,fill=D,col=D,group=D))
> +     geom_point(shape=21,size=4) +
>     geom_line() +
> geom_errorbar(width=1,aes(ymin=Mean-SE,ymax=Mean+SE)) +
> geom_errorbar(width=1,aes(ymin=Mean-SE,ymax=Mean+SE)) +
>     scale_shape_manual(values = c(16,21)) +
>     scale_fill_manual(values=c("black","white")) +
>     scale_color_manual(values=c("black","black")) +
>     +legend.position = c(.8,.8))

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