[R] Problem installing rgdal.

Rainer M Krug Rainer at krugs.de
Wed Oct 5 09:47:11 CEST 2016

Rolf Turner <r.turner at auckland.ac.nz> writes:

> On 05/10/16 12:56, ProfJCNash wrote:
>> Can you build/install the source package? I had a problem once where my libraries were "too recent" for the R package,
>> but I could build against my installed base. In any event, it may point out the source of the problem.
>> I can appreciate your frustration -- been there, but wish I hadn't.
> Essentially install.packages() builds from source.
> I also tried to install from the source tarball; same error resulted.
> Surely there *must* be somebody out there who understands what's going
> on and how to fix it.  Mustn't there?

I didn't follow the thread closely, but these types of errors can mean
version conflicts, i.e. that you have either two versions of gdal
installed and the installer picks up the wrong version or a mix of
versions or that you have the wrong version installed.

Check you gdal installations (from source, package manager, whatever
there is), uninstall gdal completely and search thoroughly if there are
any leftovers (apt-get purge ...). Then I would logout and login again -
just to be sure that all caches are up to date (although I doubt this
is necessary).

Than I would check if there are any stray installations or rgdal sitting
in any library.

Than I would install all ubuntu packages neeed for gdal (from the CRAN
for rgdal: "for building from source: GDAL >= 1.6.3, library from http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadSource and PROJ.4 (proj >= 4.4.9) from http://download.osgeo.org/proj/"), make sure that
they are working from the commandline, and that try again installing the
version of rgdal.

And if not, there is r-sig-spatial which is a much better place to ask
rgdal related questions than r-help.

Hope this helps,


> cheers,
> Rolf

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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