[R] Three-component Negative Binomial Mixture: R code
danilo.carita at uniparthenope.it
danilo.carita at uniparthenope.it
Mon Nov 7 13:42:48 CET 2016
I need a function for R software which computes a mixture of Negative
Binomial distributions with at least three components.
I found on another site the following function "mixnbinom". It works very
well, but it computes a mixture of only two components:
> mixnbinom=function(y,k1,mu1,k2,mu2,prob,eps=1/100000)
> {
> new.parms=c(k1,mu1,k2,mu2,prob)
> err=1
> iter=1
> maxiter=100
> hist(y,probability=T,nclass=30,col="lightgrey",main="The EM algorithm")
> xvals=seq(min(y),max(y),1)
> lines(xvals,prob*dnbinom(xvals,size=k1,mu=mu1)+
> (1-prob)*dnbinom(xvals,size=k2,mu=mu2),col="green")
> while(err>eps){
> if(iter<=maxiter){
> lines(xvals,prob*dnbinom(xvals,size=k1,mu=mu1)+
> (1-prob)*dnbinom(xvals,size=k2,mu=mu2),lty=3)
> }
> bayes=(prob*dnbinom(y,size=k1,mu=mu1))/((prob*
> dnbinom(y,size=k1,mu=mu1))+((1-prob)*dnbinom(y,size=k2,mu=mu2)))
> mu1=sum(bayes*y)/sum(bayes)
> mu2=sum((1-bayes)*y)/sum((1-bayes))
> var1=sum(bayes*(y-mu1)^2)/sum(bayes)
> var2=sum((1-bayes)*(y-mu2)^2)/sum((1-bayes))
> k1=abs(mu1/((var1/mu1)-1))
> k2=abs(mu2/((var2/mu2)-1))
> prob=mean(bayes)
> old.parms=new.parms
> new.parms=c(k1,mu1,k2,mu2,prob)
> err=max(abs((old.parms-new.parms)/new.parms))
> iter=iter+1
> }
> lines(xvals,prob*dnbinom(xvals,size=k1,mu=mu1)+
> (1-prob)*dnbinom(xvals,size=k2,mu=mu2),col="red")
> print(list(k1=k1,mu1=mu1,k2=k2,mu2=mu2,p=prob,iter=iter,err=err))
> }
I would be grateful if someone can modify the previous function to
model a three-component mixture instead of a two-component one.
I also tried to look for a package which does the same job: I have
used the package "mixdist", but I am not able to set up a suitable set
of starting parameters for the function mix (they always converge to
zero). Hereafter, I found the package "DEXUS", but the related function
does not provide good estimates for the model, even in the event that
I already know what results I have to expect.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Danilo Carità
Danilo Carità
PhD Candidate
University of Naples "Parthenope"
Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi
via G. Parisi, 13, 80132 Napoli - Italy
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