[R] read.fortran format

Steven Yen syen04 at gmail.com
Fri May 27 19:56:32 CEST 2016

Dear fellow R users:
I am reading a data (ascii) file with fortran fixed format, containing 
multiple records. R does not recognize fortran's record break (a slash). 
I tried to do the following but it does not work. Help appreciated.

  60 FORMAT(1X,F6.0,5F8.6/1X,5F8.4,F10.6/1X,2F6.0,3E15.9,F8.0,F5.2,F5.3
      *      /1X,F7.0,2E15.9,F9.4,F5.3)

"pop","ahs","fah","tnh","eq","vq","ups","zm1 "))

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