[R] sustring in dependence of values

Matthias Weber Matthias.Weber at fntsoftware.com
Fri Jun 3 16:49:41 CEST 2016

Hello togehter,

maybe anyone can help me with a little problem.

I have the following column in an data.frame (called TEST)

1    abc (9.2 -> 10.0)
2    def (10.2 -> 11.0)
3    ghi (7.4 -> 8.4)
4    jkl (10.2 -> 10.4)
5    mno (8.1 -> 9.0)

I now need the code for the following result (I want the numbers "before/after" in a separate column. The solution look like this one:

      VERSION              FROM         TO
1    abc (9.2 -> 10.0)     9.2             10.0
2    def (10.2 -> 11.0)    10.2           11.0
3    ghi (7.4 -> 8.4)        7.4             8.4
4    jkl (10.2 -> 10.4)      10.2           10.4
5    mno (8.1 -> 9.0)      8.1             9.0

Maybe anyone can help me. The substring-code doesn't help me at the moment.

Best regards.


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