[R] Error using Rhipe

Paulo Moniz pmoniz7 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 20 12:27:31 CET 2016

I am integrating with R Hadoop using Rhipe and my configuration is as follows:
• Ubuntu 14.

• Hadoop 1.0.3

• R 3.2.2

• Rhipe 0.73.1

• library rJava installed

When starting at the R environment  rhinit  () the following message appears:

> rhinit ()

Rhipe: Using Rhipe.jar file 

Initializing Rhipe v0.73 

Error in .jnew("org/godhuli/rhipe/PersonalServer") :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream

Already researched enough in other forums and so far have not got a solution.

I count on the help of lords, I thank you.
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