[R] Accessing an object using a string

Greg Snow 538280 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 17:46:31 CEST 2016

Interestingly I just gave a presentation on this last Friday.

Using load it is a little more complicated since load reads the object
name from the file as well (which can lead to overwriting objects if
loading from more than one file).  So it is better to use another save
format if possible.  One alternative is to use the saveRDS and readRDS

Here is the example that I presented:

First, create some sample data files on the disk (here saving as .csv files)

data('Oxboys', package='nlme')
obl <- split(Oxboys, Oxboys$Subject)
for(d in obl) {
  write.csv(d, file=sprintf("OxBoys%02d.csv",

Now read the files into R into a single list (and add names to the
list, optional but can be nice):

fnames <- list.files(pattern='^OxBoys')
ob.new <- lapply(fnames, read.csv)
nms <- paste0('OxBoys', sapply(ob.new,
                  function(df) df$Subject[1]))
names(ob.new) <- nms
head( ob.new$OxBoys1 )

The list.files function in the first line is one convenient way to
create the vector of filenames, but other options would include
paste0, sprintf, and others.

Now perform the same analysis on each data frame in the list and
nicely format the results (a simple regression in this case):

slopes <- sapply(ob.new, function(df) {
  fit <- lm(height~age, data=df)

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:43 AM,  <G.Maubach at weinwolf.de> wrote:
> Hi Greg
> and all others who replied to my question,
> many thanks for all your answers and help. Currently I store all my
> objects in .GlobalEnv = Workspace. I am not yet familiar working with
> different environments nor did I see that this would be necessary for my
> analysis.
> Could you explain why working with different environments would be
> helpful?
> You suggested to read variables into lists rather than storing them in
> global variables. This sounds interesting. Could you provide an example of
> how to define and use this?
> Kind regards
> Georg
> Von:    Greg Snow <538280 at gmail.com>
> An:     G.Maubach at weinwolf.de,
> Kopie:  r-help <r-help at r-project.org>
> Datum:  15.08.2016 20:33
> Betreff:        Re: [R] Accessing an object using a string
> The names function is a primitive, which means that if it does not
> already do what you want, it is generally not going to be easy to
> coerce it to do it.
> However, the names of an object are generally stored as an attribute
> of that object, which can be accessed using the attr or attributes
> functions.  If you change your code to not use the names function and
> instead use attr or attributes to access the names then it should work
> for you.
> You may also want to consider changing your workflow to have your data
> objects read into a list rather than global variables, then process
> using lapply/sapply (this would require a change in how your data is
> saved from your example, but if you can change that then everything
> after can be cleaner/simpler/easier/more fool proof/etc.)
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 2:49 AM,  <G.Maubach at weinwolf.de> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I would like to access an object using a sting.
>> # Create example dataset
>> var1 <- c(1, 2, 3)
>> var2 <- c(4, 5, 6)
>> data1 <- data.frame(var1, var2)
>> var3 <- c(7, 8, 9)
>> var4 <- c(10, 11, 12)
>> data2 <- data.frame(var3, var4)
>> save(file = "c:/temp/test.RData", list = c("data1", "data2"))
>> # Define function
>> t_load_dataset <- function(file_path,
>>                            file_name) {
>>   file_location <- file.path(file_path, file_name)
>>   print(paste0('Loading ', file_location, " ..."))
>>   cat("\n")
>>   object_list <- load(file = file_location,
>>                       envir = .GlobalEnv)
>>   print(paste(length(object_list), "dataset(s) loaded from",
>> file_location))
>>   cat("\n")
>>   print("The following objects were loaded:")
>>   print(object_list)
>>   cat("\n")
>>   for (i in object_list) {
>>     print(paste0("Object '", i, "' in '", file_name, "' contains:"))
>>     str(i)
>>     names(i)  # does not work
>>   }
>> }
>> I have only the character vector object_list containing the names of the
>> objects as strings. I would like to access the objects in object_list to
>> be able to print the names of the variables within the object (usuallly
> a
>> data frame).
>> Is it possible to do this? How is it done?
>> Kind regards
>> Georg
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> --
> Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
> 538280 at gmail.com

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
538280 at gmail.com

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