[R] clock24.plot/radial plot
Ogbos Okike
giftedlife2014 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 21:04:56 CEST 2016
Kind Experts,
Many thanks for your guide. I have tried to figure out something that
can help me plot my own data using the examples you referred me to. I
copied part of the code as:
events <- as.POSIXct("2011-01-01", tz="GMT") +
days(floor(365*runif(N))) +
hours(floor(24*rnorm(N))) + # using rnorm here
minutes(floor(60*runif(N))) +
hour_of_event <- hour(events)
# make a dataframe
eventdata <- data.frame(datetime = events, eventhour = hour_of_event)
# determine if event is in business hours
eventdata$Workday <- eventdata$eventhour %in% seq(9, 17)
eventdata$eventhour <- circular(hour_of_event%%24, # convert to 24 hrs
units="hours", template="clock24")
rose.diag(eventdata$eventhour, bin = 24, col = "lightblue", main =
"Events by Hour (sqrt scale)",
prop = 3)
I tried to run the above but got an error message: "Error in
eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "days"
I was thinking that if I could run this code, I can see what is doing
and then start trying to see if I can adapt it to solve my problem.
Thank you so much for further assistance.
On 4/22/16, Ulrik Stervbo <ulrik.stervbo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I use ggplot2 for all my plotting needs where you can make plots circular
> with the coord_polar. Maybe this will help you along:
> http://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/3369_998f8b2d788e4a0384ae565c4280aa47.html
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2016 at 08:31 Ogbos Okike <giftedlife2014 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am trying to generate a circular/radial plot. The script below has a
>> result I am looking for:
>> testlen<-rnorm(24)*2+5
>> testpos<-0:23+rnorm(24)/4
>> clock24.plot(testlen,testpos,main="Test Clock24
>> (lines)",show.grid=FALSE,
>> line.col="green",lwd=3)
>> if(dev.interactive()) par(ask=TRUE)
>> # now do a 'daylight' plot
>> oldpar<-clock24.plot(testlen[7:19],testpos[7:19],
>> main="Test Clock24 daytime (symbols)",
>> point.col="blue",rp.type="s",lwd=3)
>> # reset everything
>> par(oldpar)
>> I tried to play with the script to work with my data. I read my data:
>> swe<-scan("onedaydata",list(dates="",time="",count=""))
>> dates<-swe$dates
>> times<-swe$time
>> count<-swe$count.
>> I tried to replace testlen<-rnorm(24)*2+5 with testlen<-count and
>> oldpar<-clock24.plot(testlen[7:19],testpos[7:19], with
>> oldpar<-clock24.plot(testlen[0:23],testpos[0:23], but nothing worked.
>> The format of my data is 2005/01/01 00:00 4009
>> 2005/01/01 01:00 3969
>> 2005/01/01 02:00 3946
>> 2005/01/01 03:00 3975
>> 2005/01/01 04:00 3960
>> 2005/01/01 05:00 3974
>> 2005/01/01 06:00 3971
>> 2005/01/01 07:00 3970
>> 2005/01/01 08:00 3962
>> 2005/01/01 09:00 3992
>> 2005/01/01 10:00 3955
>> 2005/01/01 11:00 3963
>> 2005/01/01 12:00 3965
>> 2005/01/01 13:00 3947
>> 2005/01/01 14:00 3959
>> 2005/01/01 15:00 3978
>> 2005/01/01 16:00 3967
>> 2005/01/01 17:00 3978
>> 2005/01/01 18:00 3988
>> 2005/01/01 19:00 4043
>> 2005/01/01 20:00 4026
>> 2005/01/01 21:00 3996
>> 2005/01/01 22:00 3967
>> 2005/01/01 23:00 3969
>> 2005/01/02 00:00 3976
>> 2005/01/02 01:00 3969
>> 2005/01/02 02:00 3955
>> 2005/01/02 03:00 3984
>> 2005/01/02 04:00 3971
>> 2005/01/02 05:00 3960
>> 2005/01/02 06:00 3951
>> 2005/01/02 07:00 3948
>> 2005/01/02 08:00 3954
>> 2005/01/02 09:00 3948
>> 2005/01/02 10:00 3960
>> 2005/01/02 11:00 3964
>> 2005/01/02 12:00 3962
>> 2005/01/02 13:00 3959
>> 2005/01/02 14:00 3950
>> 2005/01/02 15:00 3972
>> 2005/01/02 16:00 3984
>> 2005/01/02 17:00 3983
>> 2005/01/02 18:00 3982
>> 2005/01/02 19:00 3987
>> 2005/01/02 20:00 3989
>> 2005/01/02 21:00 3975
>> 2005/01/02 22:00 3956
>> 2005/01/02 23:00 3975
>> 2005/01/03 00:00 3946
>> 2005/01/03 01:00 3944
>> 2005/01/03 02:00 3915
>> 2005/01/03 03:00 3901
>> 2005/01/03 04:00 3893
>> 2005/01/03 05:00 3854
>> 2005/01/03 06:00 3824
>> 2005/01/03 07:00 3790
>> 2005/01/03 08:00 3770
>> 2005/01/03 09:00 3794
>> 2005/01/03 10:00 3778
>> 2005/01/03 11:00 3803
>> 2005/01/03 12:00 3801
>> 2005/01/03 13:00 3800
>> 2005/01/03 14:00 3783
>> 2005/01/03 15:00 3789
>> 2005/01/03 16:00 3804
>> 2005/01/03 17:00 3781
>> 2005/01/03 18:00 3785
>> 2005/01/03 19:00 3772
>> 2005/01/03 20:00 3777
>> 2005/01/03 21:00 3766
>> 2005/01/03 22:00 3775
>> 2005/01/03 23:00 3779
>> 2005/01/04 00:00 3798
>> 2005/01/04 01:00 3806
>> A sample of the plot I want is attached. My data is quite large.
>> Thanks for your time.
>> Best wishes
>> Ogbos
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