[R] Random Forest classification

Liaw, Andy andy_liaw at merck.com
Mon Apr 18 15:38:17 CEST 2016

This is explained in the "Details" section of the help page for partialPlot.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Jesús Para
> Fernández
> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 1:17 AM
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] Random Forest classification
> Hi,
> To evaluate the partial influence of a factor with a random Forest, wich
> response is OK/NOK I�m using partialPlot, being the x axis the factor axis and
> the Y axis is between -1 and 1. What this -1 and 1 means?
> An example:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4b92lqxi3592r0d/Captura.JPG?dl=0
> Thanks for all!!!
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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