[R] Maxent package - Restriction on number of unique class labels

Susrutha Gongalla susrutha.gongalla at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 14:34:47 CEST 2015

Hi everyone,

I am developing a text classification code in R using 'maxent' package. I
see that there is a limit on number of unique class labels that can be
modeled, which is 255. Can someone please help me understand why this limit
is present?
The data I am working on has about 400 labels (data consists of thousands
of records). Can anybody please suggest which package to use to be able to
achieve maximum entropy based text classification on this?
I have tried using 'RTextTools' package as well. It seems to be internally
using 'maxent' package in return and  gives me the same error.

Would really appreciate any help!


Susrutha Gongalla

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