[R] Percentage sign in Vegan output

gktahon Guillaume.Tahon at UGent.be
Mon Oct 12 11:08:52 CEST 2015

Hi All,

I'm using the Vegan package in R to calculate some variables for my data set
and to make rarefaction curves.
However, I would like to give clear names to my samples and I do not succeed
in this.

For the package, I first read my OTU table (this is a text file with my
samples listed per column. The column header is the sample name as it should
appear in the legend.). After that, I transpose the table for the analysis
and I run the script.
I do get a nice output, meaning my figure looks good and everything. The
only problem is the sample names in the legend. What I have noticed is that
everything after a 'space' is automatically cut off/deleted and that special
characters are not taken into account. For example, when I want to show 95%,
it gives 95. as an output. Characters like %, /, # are changed into a .
symbol. I was wondering how I can solve this issue, because I would like to
insert spaces and special characters in my sample names.

For example, if I want my sample name to be DNA 95%, how do I have to do

Many thanks in advance!

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