[R] Digitize2d Error

Margarette Bayron Arcelay margarette.bayron at upr.edu
Wed Nov 25 18:09:22 CET 2015

Dear List,

I have been trying to use the package geomorph...but every time i load the
function digitized2d i get this error:

> digitize2d("Bolivina_lowmani.jpg", nlandmarks=6, scale=NULL,
"Bolivina_Practice.TPS", verbose=TRUE)
Error in coords[1:nland, , ] : subscript out of bounds

does somebody knows how to resolve it?

I am using a Mac OSX Yosemite version10.10.5


*Margarette Bayrón Arcelay*
*Master Student & Teaching Assistant in the Department of Biology *
*University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez *
*BS Industrial Microbiology & **BS General Biology*
*Office: B-154;01A | Lab: B-282B: Ecolab*
*Linkedin <http://pr.linkedin.com/in/margarettebayron> | *
*margarette.bayron at upr.edu* <margarette.bayron at upr.edu>

*Office Hours (B-282B): *
*Tue- 11:00-11:50am & 2:00-4:30pm*
*Thurs- 10:30-11:30am*

*"Chance favors a prepared mind"*

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