[R] [FORGED] problem in R-code

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Nov 4 04:35:37 CET 2015

I have not mustered the stamina to go through your code in detail, but 
it looks to me like the "1:1" constructions are typos and should perhaps 
be "1:N".

Aside from that, I conjecture that what you want to accomplish could be 
very simply done with the cut() function.  This is not entirely clear 
since it is not really clear what you want to accomplish.

Note that you appear to evince a misunderstanding of R data structures;
a vector of length 200 is subtly different from a 200 x 1 array.

I think you should study up on some basic R (e.g. read "An Introduction 
to R") before proceeding further.


Rolf Turner

Technical Editor ANZJS
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

On 04/11/15 16:02, thanoon younis wrote:
> Dear R-users
> I have a problem in the code below, the problem is because i want to change
> the variable BZ which is a vector with 200x1 dimension to the var. W which
> is categorical variable with same dimension of BZ but with categorical
> values with 4 categories but i got on only zero values in w why?  any help
> would be appreciated.
> N<-200;P<-9                       #Sample size
> BZ=numeric(N)
> W<-numeric(N)
> for (t in 1:1) {
>    #Generate the data for the simulation study
>    for (i in 1:N) {
>      #transform theta to ordered categorical variables
>      for(j in 1:1){
>        if(BZ[j] < 0.25){
>          W[j] = 1
>        }else if(BZ[j] >=0.25 & BZ[j] < 0.5){
>          W[j] = 2
>        }else if(BZ[j] >=0.5 & BZ[j] < 0.75){
>          W[j] = 3
>        }else{
>          W[j] = 4
>        }}
>      #Input data set
>      data<-list(N=200,P=9,Q=W)
>    }} #end

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