[R] ggplot2 help
Glenn Schultz
glennmschultz at me.com
Sun Mar 15 20:35:24 CET 2015
I am doing something wrong but I don't see what. When I plot in ggplot all the lines are on top of one another but the data is not. Any help is appreciated.
# -------- I use this function to generate data
Burnout <- function(beta1 = numeric(),
beta2= numeric(),
MaxIncen = numeric(),
LoanAge = numeric()){
exp(beta1 * LoanAge + beta2 * MaxIncen)}
# -------------------- Build the data frame for plotting
BO.Vector <- data.frame(c(seq(1,360,1)))
BO.Vector[,2] <- cbind(Burnout(beta1 = -.05, beta2 = 0, MaxIncen = 25, LoanAge = BO.Vector[,1]))
BO.Vector[,3] <- cbind(Burnout(beta1 = -.04, beta2 = 0, MaxIncen = 25, LoanAge = BO.Vector[,1]))
BO.Vector[,4] <- cbind(Burnout(beta1 = -.03, beta2 = 0, MaxIncen = 25, LoanAge = BO.Vector[,1]))
BO.Vector[,5] <- cbind(Burnout(beta1 = -.02, beta2 = 0, MaxIncen = 25, LoanAge = BO.Vector[,1]))
BO.Vector[,6] <- cbind(Burnout(beta1 = -.01, beta2 = 0, MaxIncen = 25, LoanAge = BO.Vector[,1]))
colnames(BO.Vector) <- c("LoanAge", "-.05", "-.04", "-.03", "-.02", "-.01")
colnames(BO.vector) <- c("LoanAge", "-.05", "-.04")
# ------------------- reshape 2 prepare for ggplot2
BO.Vector <- melt(BO.Vector, id = "LoanAge")
# --------------- plot (not working)
ggplot(BO.Vector, aes(x= LoanAge, y = value, color = variable, linetype = variable)) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(colour = "Legend", linetype = "Legend", x = "Loan Age", y = "Burnout") +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(size = .25, color = "grey")) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 15)) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 20)) +
theme(legend.position = c(.9, .4)) +
scale_colour_manual(values = cbbPalette)
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