[R] R parallel - slow speed
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Thu Jul 30 14:56:53 CEST 2015
Parallelizing comes at a price... and there is no guarantee that you can afford it. Vectorizing your algorithms is often a better approach. Microbenchmarking is usually overkill for evaluating parallelizing.
You assume 4 cores... but many CPUs have 2 cores and use hyperthreading to make each core look like two.
The operating system can make a difference also... Windows processes are more expensive to start and communicate between than *nix processes are. In particular, Windows seems to require duplicated RAM pages while *nix can share process RAM (at least until they are written to) so you end up needing more memory and disk paging of virtual memory becomes more likely.
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 30, 2015 8:26:34 AM EDT, Martin Spindler <Martin.Spindler at gmx.de> wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am trying to parallelize the function npnewpar given below. When I am
>comparing an application of "apply" with "parApply" the parallelized
>version seems to be much slower (cf output below). Therefore I would
>like to ask how the function could be parallelized more efficient.
>(With increasing sample size the difference becomes smaller, but I was
>wondering about this big differences and how it could be improved.)
>Thank you very much for help in advance!
>n <- 500
>y <- rnorm(n)
>Xc <- rnorm(n)
>Xd <- sample(c(0,1), replace=TRUE)
>Weights <- diag(n)
>n1 <- 50
>Xeval <- cbind(rnorm(n1), sample(c(0,1), n1, replace=TRUE))
>cl <- makeCluster(4)
>microbenchmark(apply(Xeval, 1, npnewpar, y=y, Xc=Xc, Xd = Xd,
>Weights=Weights, h=0.5), parApply(cl, Xeval, 1, npnewpar, y=y, Xc=Xc,
>Xd = Xd, Weights=Weights, h=0.5), times=100)
>Unit: milliseconds
> expr min lq mean median
>apply(Xeval, 1, npnewpar, y = y, Xc = Xc, Xd = Xd, Weights = Weights,
> h = 0.5) 4.674914 4.726463 5.455323 4.771016
>parApply(cl, Xeval, 1, npnewpar, y = y, Xc = Xc, Xd = Xd, Weights =
>Weights, h = 0.5) 34.168250 35.434829 56.553296 39.438899
> uq max neval
> 4.843324 57.01519 100
> 49.777265 347.77887 100
>npnewpar <- function(y, Xc, Xd, Weights, h, xeval) {
> xc <- xeval[1]
> xd <- xeval[2]
> l <- function(x,X) {
> w <- Weights[x,X]
> return(w)
> }
> u <- (Xc-xc)/h
> #K <- kernel(u)
> K <- dnorm(u)
> L <- l(xd,Xd)
> nom <- sum(y*K*L)
> denom <- sum(K*L)
> ghat <- nom/denom
> return(ghat)
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