[R] Reading some csv files from different folders and add the name of each files to the first column of files
Lida Zeighami
lid.zigh at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 19:53:36 CEST 2015
Dear Arnaud,
Thank you so much for your reply! It works great!
On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Arnaud Mosnier <a.mosnier at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lida,
> You can try this:
> d<- choose.dir() # choose the folder with the subdirectories containing
> the csv files
> f <- list.files(d, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
> # Here the example for the "sing" files
> selsing <- grep("sing",f) #Select the files notaining the word sing
> allsing <- data.frame() #Create an empty data frame
> # Loop among the selected files
> for (i in 1:length(f[selsing])){
> dat <- read.csv(file=f[selsing][i]) # suppose that the csv files have a
> header
> allsing <- rbind(allsing,data.frame(FileID =
> gsub("EA_sing_|.txt","",basename(f[selsing][i])), dat)) #Combine the file
> ID with the other columns and add the result to the all sing object
> }
> Now, you just have to do it for the other cases and save your final object.
> Hope this help !
> Arnaud
> ###########################################################################
> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 15:03:21 -0500
> From: Lida Zeighami <lid.zigh at gmail.com>
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] Reading some csv files from different folders and add the
> name of each files to the first column of files
> Message-ID:
> <CAMqbV1CXN0=
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> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I have 600 folders in which there are 3 csv files. The name of folders are
> as follows: EA_aa, EA_bb, EA_cc, EA_dd,....
> In each folder there are 3 csv files:
> in folder EA_aa there are:
> EA_sing_aa.csvqwerty
> EA_ska_aa.csv
> EA_tat_aa.csv
> In folder EA_bb:
> EA_sing_bb.csv
> EA_ska_bb.csv
> EA_tat_bb.csv
> ...
> I need to read all the same kind of files (for example sing files) in one
> dataframe but before that I should add a column to each files with the name
> of file as a row names!
> So in output I should have just 3 csv files such as
> EA_sing.csv: (rbind all EA_sing_*.csv file)
> EA_ska.csv: (rbind all EA_ska_*.csv files)
> EA_tat.csv: (rbind all EA_tat_*.csv files)
> And in each file the first column should be added as row names which
> containing the file name! So the format will be as follow:
> EA_sing.csv:
> 1st column 2nd column 3rd column
> aa yhhh ghj
> aa k ki Fyh
> bb k ki vgd
> bb k gki Fyh
> bb k reci Fyh
> cc k hcd hyd
> dd lmb Fyh
> EA_ska.csv:
> 1st column 2nd column 3rd column
> aa yhhh ghj
> aa k ki Fyh
> bb k ki Fyh
> cc k gki Fyh
> cc k reci oki
> cc k hcd Fyh
> dd lmb dsf
> EA_tat.csv:
> 1st column 2nd column 3rd column
> aa yhhh ghj
> aa k ki Fyh
> bb k ki Fyh
> cc k gki Fyh
> cc k reci oki
> dd k hcd Fyh
> dd lmb dsf
> Would you please help me how to can I do that?
> Thanks
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