[R] Sample Weights

Amelia Marsh amelia_marsh08 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 27 08:00:54 CEST 2015

Dear R Forum

I have a data.frame as

mydat = c(6,6,5,6,4,6,8,4,6,6,6,3,4,6,5,7,7,4,3,5,5,5,3,6,7,4,4,7,4,3,4,6,4,6,5,4,4,7,6,8,5,6,5,5,8,2,3,5,7,5)

Is there any library or way in R to allocate weights to these values? Actually I am having a large data, but for illustrative purpose, have considered just a small part of the same. 



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