[R] Statistical distribution not fitting
Ben Bolker
bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 21:56:58 CEST 2015
Amelia Marsh <amelia_marsh08 <at> yahoo.com> writes:
> Hello! (I dont know if I can raise this query here on this forum,
> but I had already raised on teh finance forum, but have not received
> any sugegstion, so now raising on this list. Sorry for the same. The
> query is about what to do, if no statistical distribution is fitting
> to data).
> I am into risk management and deal with Operatioanl risk. As a part
> of BASEL II guidelines, we need to arrive at the capital charge the
> banks must set aside to counter any operational risk, if it
> happens. As a part of Loss Distribution Approach (LDA), we need to
> collate past loss events and use these loss amounts. The usual
> process as being practised in the industry is as follows -
> Using these historical loss amounts and using the various
> statistical tests like KS test, AD test, PP plot, QQ plot etc, we
> try to identify best statistical (continuous) distribution fitting
> this historical loss data. Then using these estimated parameters
> w.r.t. the statistical distribution, we simulate say 1 miliion loss
> anounts and then taking appropriate percentile (say 99.9%), we
> arrive at the capital charge.
> However, many a times, loss data is such that fitting of
> distribution to loss data is not possible. May be loss data is
> multimodal or has significant variability, making the fitting of
> distribution impossible. Can someone guide me how to deal with such
> data and what can be done to simulate losses using this historical
> loss data in R.
A skew-(log)-normal fit doesn't look too bad ... (whenever you
have positive data that are this strongly skewed, log-transforming
is a good step)
## default breaks are much coarser:
## hist(log10(mydat),col="gray",breaks="Sturges",freq=FALSE)
ss <- snormFit(log10(mydat))
xvec <- seq(2,6.5,length=101)
## or try a skew-Student-t: not very different:
ss2 <- sstdFit(log10(mydat))
There are more flexible distributional families (Johnson,
log-spline ...)
Multimodal data are a different can of worms -- consider
fitting a finite mixture model ...
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