[R] barplot -issues with axis and labels not appearing

Pierre Micallef micallefpierre at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 21 14:38:40 CEST 2015

I am experiencing a few issues with the barplot function.
I have written the following code;
  barplot(as.matrix(GEP.data2), beside=TRUE, main="Global Portfolio Weights", col.main="gray", col=blues9, 
          cex.axis=0.1, ylim=c(-1,1), las=2, cex.lab=1, cex=0.8)
> GEP.data2 =
  VGSIX.equity VUSTX.equity VGTSX.equity VFISX.equity VTSMX.equity VFITX.equity VEIEX.equity VIPSX.equity
1  -0.08645095   0.08991793   0.03548216         0.45         0.45         0.45   -0.1689109   -0.2200382 However i  am having the following issues; (1) neither x or y axis appear on my graph (bars appear as if they are floating)(2) no axis labels are showing up (3) chart title is too high on graph and is being cut off from view Please can you help solve these issues? Thanks Pierre 		 	   		  
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