[R] Speeding up code?
Ignacio Martinez
ignacio82 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 13:56:54 CEST 2015
Hi Collin,
The objective of the gen.names function is to generate N *unique *random
names, where N is a *large *number. In my computer `gen.names(n = 50000)`
takes under a second, so is probably not the root problem in my code. That
said, I would love to improve it. I'm not exactly sure how you propose to
change it using sample. What is the object that I would be sampling? I
would love to run a little benchmark to compare my version with yours.
What really takes a long time to run is:
separoPairs <- as.data.frame(str_split(string = AllpairsTmp, pattern =
So that and the chunk of code before that is probably where I would get big
gains in speed. Sadly, I have no clue how to do it differently
Thanks a lot for the help!!
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 11:34 PM Collin Lynch <cflynch at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Ignacio, If I am reading your code correctly then the top while loop is
> essentially seeking to select a random set of names from the original set,
> then using unique to reduce it down, you then iterate until you have built
> your quota. Ultimately this results in a very inefficient attempt at
> sampling without replacement. Why not just sample without replacement
> rather than loop iteratively and use unique? Or if the set of possible
> names are short enough why not just randomize it and then pull the first n
> items off?
> Best,
> Collin.
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 11:15 PM, Ignacio Martinez <ignacio82 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi R-Help!
>> I'm hoping that some of you may give me some tips that could make my code
> more efficient. More precisely, I would like to make the answer to my
>> stakoverflow
>> <
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31137940/randomly-assign-teachers-to-classrooms-imposing-restrictions
>> >
>> question more efficient.
>> This is the code:
>> library(dplyr)
>> library(randomNames)
>> library(geosphere)
> set.seed(7142015)# Define Parameters
>> n.Schools <- 20
>> first.grade<-3
>> last.grade<-5
>> n.Grades <-last.grade-first.grade+1
>> n.Teachers <- (n.Schools*n.Grades*n.Classrooms)/2 #Two classrooms per
>> teacher
>> # Define Random names function:
>> gen.names <- function(n, which.names = "both", name.order = "last.first"){
>> names <- unique(randomNames(n=n, which.names = which.names,
>> name.order = name.order))
>> need <- n - length(names)
>> while(need>0){
>> names <- unique(c(randomNames(n=need, which.names = which.names,
>> name.order = name.order), names))
>> need <- n - length(names)
>> }
>> return(names)}
>> # Generate n.Schools names
>> gen.schools <- function(n.schools) {
>> School.ID <-
>> paste0(gen.names(n = n.schools, which.names = "last"), ' School')
>> School.long <- rnorm(n = n.schools, mean = 21.7672, sd = 0.025)
>> School.lat <- rnorm(n = n.schools, mean = 58.8471, sd = 0.025)
>> School.RE <- rnorm(n = n.schools, mean = 0, sd = 1)
>> Schools <-
>> data.frame(School.ID, School.lat, School.long, School.RE) %>%
>> mutate(School.ID = as.character(School.ID)) %>%
>> rowwise() %>% mutate (School.distance = distHaversine(
>> p1 = c(School.long, School.lat),
>> p2 = c(21.7672, 58.8471), r = 3961
>> ))
>> return(Schools)}
>> Schools <- gen.schools(n.schools = n.Schools)
>> # Generate Grades
>> Grades <- c(first.grade:last.grade)
>> # Generate n.Classrooms
>> Classrooms <- LETTERS[1:n.Classrooms]
>> # Group schools and grades
>> SchGr <- outer(paste0(Schools$School.ID, '-'), paste0(Grades, '-'),
>> FUN="paste")#head(SchGr)
>> # Group SchGr and Classrooms
>> SchGrClss <- outer(SchGr, paste0(Classrooms, '-'),
>> FUN="paste")#head(SchGrClss)
>> # These are the combination of School-Grades-Classroom
>> SchGrClssTmp <- as.matrix(SchGrClss, ncol=1, nrow=length(SchGrClss) )
>> SchGrClssEnd <- as.data.frame(SchGrClssTmp)
>> # Assign n.Teachers (2 classroom in a given school-grade)
>> Allpairs <- as.data.frame(t(combn(SchGrClssTmp, 2)))
>> AllpairsTmp <- paste(Allpairs$V1, Allpairs$V2, sep=" ")
>> library(stringr)
>> separoPairs <- as.data.frame(str_split(string = AllpairsTmp, pattern =
>> "-"))
>> separoPairs <- as.data.frame(t(separoPairs))
>> row.names(separoPairs) <- NULL
>> separoPairs <- separoPairs %>% select(-V7) %>% #Drops empty column
>> mutate(V1=as.character(V1), V4=as.character(V4), V2=as.numeric(V2),
>> V5=as.numeric(V5)) %>% mutate(V4 = trimws(V4, which = "both"))
>> separoPairs[120,]$V4#Only the rows with V1=V4 and V2=V5 are valid
>> validPairs <- separoPairs %>% filter(V1==V4 & V2==V5) %>% select(V1, V2,
>> V3, V6)
>> # Generate n.Teachers
>> gen.teachers <- function(n.teachers){
>> Teacher.ID <- gen.names(n = n.teachers, name.order = "last.first")
>> Teacher.exp <- runif(n = n.teachers, min = 1, max = 30)
>> Teacher.Other <- sample(c(0,1), replace = T, prob = c(0.5, 0.5),
>> size = n.teachers)
>> Teacher.RE <- rnorm(n = n.teachers, mean = 0, sd = 1)
>> Teachers <- data.frame(Teacher.ID, Teacher.exp, Teacher.Other,
>> Teacher.RE)
>> return(Teachers)}
>> Teachers <- gen.teachers(n.teachers = n.Teachers) %>%
>> mutate(Teacher.ID = as.character(Teacher.ID))
>> # Randomly assign n.Teachers teachers to the "ValidPairs"
>> TmpAssignments <- validPairs[sample(1:nrow(validPairs), n.Teachers), ]
>> Assignments <- cbind.data.frame(Teachers$Teacher.ID, TmpAssignments)
>> names(Assignments) <- c("Teacher.ID", "School.ID", "Grade", "Class_1",
>> "Class_2")
>> # Tidy Data
>> library(tidyr)
>> TeacherClassroom <- Assignments %>%
>> gather(x, Classroom, Class_1,Class_2) %>%
>> select(-x) %>%
>> mutate(Teacher.ID = as.character(Teacher.ID))
>> # Merge
>> DF_Classrooms <- TeacherClassroom %>% full_join(Teachers,
>> by="Teacher.ID") %>% full_join(Schools, by="School.ID")
>> rm(list=setdiff(ls(), "DF_Classrooms")) # Clean the work space!
>> *I want to end up with the same* 'DF_Classrooms *data frame* but getting
>> there in a more efficient way. In particular, when is use n.Classrooms
>> <-4 the
> code run fast, but *if I increase it to something like 20 it is painfully
>> slow.*
>> Thanks!!!
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