[R] Minimum system requirements for running R on a Windows PC

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 21:21:33 CET 2015

On 09/01/2015 2:23 PM, Alex Austin wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was hoping that someone could help me with getting the information for
> the minimal requirements my PC would need to run R.
> I have an ancient toshiba laptop and I am looking to get a new one before I
> take a course in using R in scientific research this February but I want to
> make sure I get something that can deal with it. For example, would a
> netbook be adequate? Or would I need something more powerful?

Netbooks vary a lot, but many of them use fairly strange processors and 
you'd probably have trouble running R.  The ones that are really just 
small-form-factor laptops should be okay.

But your old toshiba laptop is probably okay too --- as long as it is 
running Windows XP or newer, it is probably fine for R.

Duncan Murdoch

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