[R] Advanced Level Script for Traceability Between Worksheets

C Campbell cc571309 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 29 22:19:35 CEST 2015

Hi folks - I have almost know R skills yet and have been put 'in charge' of
the below script created by a former employee.  Although some of this is
understandable to me, much of it is not.  If anyone can help with
explaining sections, commenting on the skill level it takes to understand
this level of scripting in R, and/or point me to some resources that may
cover some of this (e.g., what is ..A[..B, in_B := TRUE, allow.cartesian =
TRUE]; and specifically what do the 2 dots mean?), I would very much
appreciate it.  Would also be interested in communicating offline if you
Thank you,

# Locate file ####
parameterization_file <- file.choose()
cd <- dirname(parameterization_file)

# Front matter ####
message("Installing and loading packages...")

# Packages
required_packages <- c("openxlsx", "xlsx", "magrittr", "data.table",
install_these <- setdiff(required_packages, rownames(installed.packages()))

while (length(install_these) > 0) {
  install.packages(install_these, repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com")
  install_these <- setdiff(required_packages,


# Options
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Functions
message("Loading functions...")

A__in__B <- function(A, B, case = TRUE, ...) {

  # Copies
  ..A <- copy(A)
  ..B <- copy(B)
  setkey(..A, value)
  setkey(..B, value)
  ..A <- unique(..A)
  ..B <- unique(..B)

  # Rownames are unnecessary
  ..A[, rn := NULL]
  ..B[, rn := NULL]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case) {
    ..A <- tableToLower(..A)
    ..B <- tableToLower(..B)

  # Check if A is in B
  ..A[..B, in_B := TRUE, allow.cartesian = TRUE]
  if ("in_B" %in% names(..A))
    ..A[is.na(in_B), in_B := FALSE]
    ..A[, in_B := FALSE]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableDropLower(..A)

  # Set attributes
  setABattr(..A, A, B)

  # Return results
  setkey(..A, value)


A__unique <- function(A, case = TRUE, ...) {

  # Copies
  ..A <- copy(A)
  setkey(..A, value)

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableToLower(..A)

  # Check if A_i values are unique
  ..A[..A[duplicated(..A), SJ(value)], is_unique := FALSE,
      allow.cartesian = TRUE]
  if ("is_unique" %in% names(..A))
    ..A[is.na(is_unique), is_unique := TRUE]
    ..A[, is_unique := TRUE]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableDropLower(..A)

  # Roll up to value level
  ..A <- ..A[, list(is_unique = all(is_unique)), keyby = value]

  # Return results


A_i__in__B <- function(A, B, case = TRUE, ...) {

  # Copies
  ..A <- copy(A)
  setkey(..A, value, rn)
  ..A <- unique(..A)
  ..B <- copy(B)
  setkey(..B, value)
  ..B %>% unique

  # B rownames are unnecessary
  ..B[, rn := NULL]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case) {
    ..A <- tableToLower(..A)
    ..B <- tableToLower(..B)

  # Check if A is in B
  if ("in_B" %in% names(..A))
    ..A[is.na(in_B), in_B := FALSE]
    ..A[, in_B := FALSE]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableDropLower(..A)

  # Set attributes
  setABattr(..A, A, B)

  # Return results
  setkey(..A, value, rn)


A_i__in__B_i <- function(A, B, case = TRUE, ...) {

  # Copies
  ..A <- copy(A)
  setkey(..A, value, rn)
  ..A <- unique(..A)
  ..B <- copy(B)
  setkey(..B, value, rn)
  ..B <- unique(..B)

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case) {
    ..A <- tableToLower(..A)
    ..B <- tableToLower(..B)

  # Check if A_i terms are in B_i terms
  ..A[..B, in_B := TRUE, allow.cartesian = TRUE]
  if ("in_B" %in% names(..A))
    ..A[is.na(in_B), in_B := FALSE]
    ..A[, in_B := FALSE]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableDropLower(..A)

  # Set attributes
  setABattr(..A, A, B)

  # Return results
  setkey(..A, value, rn)


A_i__substr__B_i <- function(A, B, case = TRUE, ...) {

  # Copies
  ..A <- copy(A)
  setkey(..A, rn)
  ..B <- copy(B)
  setkey(..B, rn)

  # Renames
  setnames(..A, "value", "A_value")
  setnames(..B, "value", "B_value")

  # Merge
  ..X <- ..B[..A, allow.cartesian = TRUE]

  # Check if A_i values are substrings of B_i values
  ..X[is.na(B_value), is_substring := FALSE]
  Encoding(..X$A_value) <- "UTF-8"
  Encoding(..X$B_value) <- "UTF-8"
  if (case) {
    ..X[!is.na(B_value), is_substring := mapply(
      grepl, A_value, B_value, fixed = TRUE)]
  } else {
    ..X[!is.na(B_value), is_substring := mapply(
      grepl, tolower(A_value), tolower(B_value), fixed = TRUE)]
  Encoding(..X$A_value) <- "bytes"
  Encoding(..X$B_value) <- "bytes"

  # Rename/reorder
  ..X <- ..X[, list(value = A_value, rn, is_substring)]

  # Set attributes
  setABattr(..X, A, B)

  # Return results
  setkey(..X, value, rn)


A_i__unique <- function(A, case = TRUE, ...) {

  # Copies
  ..A <- copy(A)
  setkey(..A, value)

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableToLower(..A)

  # Check if A_i values are unique
  ..A[..A[duplicated(..A), SJ(value)], is_unique := FALSE,
      allow.cartesian = TRUE]
  if ("is_unique" %in% names(..A))
    ..A[is.na(is_unique), is_unique := TRUE]
    ..A[, is_unique := TRUE]

  # Case sensitivity
  if (!case)
    ..A <- tableDropLower(..A)

  # Return results
  setkey(..A, value, rn)


extractColumn <- function(x, column_name, value_delimiter = NULL, rows =

  # Validate formatting on column name args
  column_name %<>% trimCompress

  # Multiple columns?
  mult_cols <- grepl(",", column_name)
  if (mult_cols)
    column_name %<>% strsplit(",") %>% unlist %>% trimCompress

  # Get column + rn
  ..table <- x[, c("rn", column_name), with = FALSE]
  setnames(..table, 2, "value")

  # Long if multiple
  if (mult_cols) {
    ..table %<>% melt(1)
    ..table[, variable := NULL]

  # Key table by rowname
  setkey(..table, rn)

  # If rows was provided, subset
  if (!is.null(rows))
    if (rows != "All")
      ..table <- ..table[textrange2vector(rows) %>% SJ]

  # Split values according to delimiter...
  dlm <- Rdelim(value_delimiter)
  if (!is.null(dlm))
    ..values <- strsplit(..table[, value], Rdelim(value_delimiter)) %>%
  # ... or convert to list if no delimiter
    ..values <- ..table[, value] %>% trimCompress %>% as.list

  # Set list name values to rowname values
  names(..values) <- ..table[, rn]

  # Convert from list to table
  ..values %<>% melt %>% as.data.table
  setnames(..values, 2, "rn")

  # Remove any instances of blank values
  ..values <- ..values[!is.na(value) & grepl("[^[:space:]]", value)]

  # Encode all text to bytes
  # Will need to encode to UTF-8 before output to make it readable
  Encoding(..values$value) <- "bytes"
  if (is.character(..values$rn)) Encoding(..values$rn) <- "bytes"

  # If row names can be converted to numeric, do so
  if (..values[, rn] %>% is.character)
    if (..values[, rn] %>% type.convert %>% is.numeric)
      ..values[, rn := as.numeric(rn)]

  # Key table by value
  setkey(..values, value, rn)

  # Add attributes
  setattr(..values, "file_path", attr(x, "file_path"))
  setattr(..values, "sheet_name", attr(x, "sheet_name"))
  setattr(..values, "header_row", attr(x, "header_row"))
  setattr(..values, "column_name", column_name)
  setattr(..values, "rownames_name", attr(x, "rownames_name"))
  setattr(..values, "value_delimiter", value_delimiter)
  setattr(..values, "rows", rows)

  # Return the values table


fillNAlast <- function(x) {
  na <- is.na(x)
  miss <- which(na)
  nonmiss <- which(!na)
  map <- outer(nonmiss, miss, "<") %>%
    apply(2, . %>% which %>% max)
  x[miss] <- x[nonmiss[map]]

getSheetIndex <- function(file_path, sheet_name) {

  # Extract workbook.xml to temporary file that will be deleted at end of
  # run
  xmlDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "findSheet")
  workbook <- unzip(file_path, files = "xl/workbook.xml", exdir = xmlDir)
  on.exit(unlink(xmlDir, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  # Read workbook.xml and get sheet nodes
  workbook <- readLines(workbook, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
  sheets <- gregexpr("<sheet .*/sheets>", workbook, perl = TRUE) %>%
    regmatches(workbook, .) %>%

  # Extract sheet names from nodes, parse as html, and return text
  sheetNames <- gregexpr('(?<=name=")[^"]+', sheets, perl = TRUE) %>%
    regmatches(sheets, .) %>%
    unlist %>%
    lapply(htmlParse, asText = TRUE) %>%
    sapply(. %>% xpathApply("//body//text()", xmlValue) %>% unlist)

  # Which sheet name is equal to the sheet_name argument?
  which(sheetNames == sheet_name)


Rdelim <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!is.na(x) & x != "None") {
      if (x == "Newline") "\\n" else x
    } else NULL
  } else NULL

readSource <- function(file_path, sheet_name, header_row, column_names,
                       rownames_name = NULL)

  # Validate formatting on column name args
  column_names %<>% strsplit(",") %>% unlist %>% trimCompress
  rownames_name %<>% trimCompress

  # Sheet index
  sheet_index <- getSheetIndex(file_path, sheet_name)

  # Read column names according to header row
  ..names <- read.xlsx(
    xlsxFile = file_path
    , sheet = sheet_index
    , colNames = FALSE
    , rows = header_row
  ) %>% unlist %>% unname %>% trimCompress

  # Read in column plus and any rownames column
  ..table <- read.xlsx(
    xlsxFile = file_path
    , sheet = sheet_index
    , startRow = header_row
    , cols = which(..names %in% c(rownames_name, column_names))
    , skipEmptyRows = FALSE
    , detectDates = TRUE
  ) %>% as.data.table

  # Set names
           ..names[which(..names %in% c(rownames_name, column_names))])

  # Rownames
  ## If no rownames column, use row number
  if (is.null(rownames_name)) {
    if (is.null(rows)) ..table[, rn := 1:.N + 1L] else ..table[, rn := rows]
  } else { # Otherwise, just copy the column
    ..table[, rn := lapply(.SD, identity), .SDcols = rownames_name]
  setcolorder(..table, c("rn", setdiff(names(..table), "rn")))

  # If row can be converted to numeric, do so
  if (..table[, rn] %>% is.character)
    if (..table[, rn] %>% type.convert %>% is.numeric)
      ..table[, rn := as.numeric(rn)]

  # Key table by row
  setkey(..table, rn)

  # Add attributes
  setattr(..table, "file_path", file_path)
  setattr(..table, "sheet_name", sheet_name)
  setattr(..table, "header_row", header_row)
  setattr(..table, "column_names", column_names)
  setattr(..table, "rownames_name", rownames_name)

  # Return the values table


setABattr <- function(new_table, A, B) {

  # Strip existing attributes in new_table
  setattr(new_table, "file_path", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "sheet_name", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "header_row", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "column_name", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "rownames_name", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "value_delimiter", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "rows", NULL)
  setattr(new_table, "rows_are_rownames", NULL)

  # Set A attributes in new_table
  setattr(new_table, "A_file_path", attributes(A)$file_path)
  setattr(new_table, "A_sheet_name", attributes(A)$sheet_name)
  setattr(new_table, "A_header_row", attributes(A)$header_row)
  setattr(new_table, "A_column_name", attributes(A)$column_name)
  setattr(new_table, "A_rownames_name", attributes(A)$rownames_name)
  setattr(new_table, "A_value_delimiter", attributes(A)$value_delimiter)
  setattr(new_table, "A_rows", attributes(A)$rows)
  setattr(new_table, "A_rows_are_rownames", attributes(A)$rows_are_rownames)

  # Set B attributes in new_table
  setattr(new_table, "B_file_path", attributes(B)$file_path)
  setattr(new_table, "B_sheet_name", attributes(B)$sheet_name)
  setattr(new_table, "B_header_row", attributes(B)$header_row)
  setattr(new_table, "B_column_name", attributes(B)$column_name)
  setattr(new_table, "B_rownames_name", attributes(B)$rownames_name)
  setattr(new_table, "B_value_delimiter", attributes(B)$value_delimiter)
  setattr(new_table, "B_rows", attributes(B)$rows)
  setattr(new_table, "B_rows_are_rownames", attributes(B)$rows_are_rownames)


tableToLower <- function(X, ...) {

  # Copy
  x <- copy(X)

  # Existing keys
  keys <- key(x)
  setkey(x, NULL)

  # Rename value column
  setnames(x, "value", "value_orig")

  # Derived value column
  Encoding(x$value_orig) <- "UTF-8"
  x[, value := tolower(value_orig)]
  Encoding(x$value) <- "bytes"
  Encoding(x$value_orig) <- "bytes"

  # Rekey
  setkeyv(x, keys)

  # Return


tableDropLower <- function(X, ...) {

  # Copy
  x <- copy(X)

  # Existing keys
  keys <- key(x)
  setkey(x, NULL)

  # Drop derived value column
  x[, value := NULL]

  # Rename value_orig column
  setnames(x, "value_orig", "value")

  # Rekey
  setkeyv(x, keys)

  # Return


textrange2vector <- function(x) {
  strsplit(x, ",") %>%
      . %>%
        strsplit("-") %>%
        lapply(as.numeric) %>%
          if (length(s) == 1) s
          else seq(s[1], s[2]))) %>%

trimCompress <- function(x) {

  if (!"magrittr" %in% loadedNamespaces()) # check if magrittr is loaded
    library(magrittr)                      # load if not

  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)

  x %>%
    gsub("^\\s+", "", .) %>% # remove leading blanks
    gsub("\\s+$", "", .) %>% # remove trailing blanks
    gsub("\\s+", " ", .)     # compress multiple blanks to one


# Read parameterization file ####

message("Reading parameters...")

## Catalog parameters
avail_params <- read.xlsx(
  , "Available Parameters"
  , colNames = FALSE
  , startRow = 2
) %>% as.data.table
sheet_params <- c("name", "path", "sheet", "header", "rn")
setnames(avail_params, 1:5, sheet_params)
avail_params <- avail_params[!is.na(name) & grepl("[^[:space:]]", name)] %>%
  melt(id.vars = 1:5, value.name = "columns")
avail_params <- avail_params[, lapply(.SD, . %>% Filter(Negate(is.na), .)
                                        list), by = eval(sheet_params)]
avail_params[, variable := NULL]

## Analysis parameters
analysis_params <- read.xlsx(
  , "Parameterization"
  , startRow = 2
  , colNames = FALSE
) %>% as.data.table
setnames(analysis_params, c(
  "name1", "col1", "rows1", "dlm1",
  "verb", "case",
  "name2", "col2", "rows2", "dlm2",
  "outname", "outcols", "outflat"
analysis_params <- analysis_params[-1][!is.na(name1) &
                                         grepl("[^[:space:]]", name1)]
analysis_params[, n := 1:.N]

## Combine parameters
setkey(avail_params, name)
setkey(analysis_params, name1)
analysis_params[avail_params, ":="(
  path1 = path
  ,sheet1 = sheet
  ,header1 = header
  ,rn1 = rn
), allow.cartesian = TRUE]
setkey(analysis_params, name2)
analysis_params[avail_params, ":="(
  path2 = path
  ,sheet2 = sheet
  ,header2 = header
  ,rn2 = rn
), allow.cartesian = TRUE]
setkey(analysis_params, n)

# Match actions to functions
verb_function_map <- list(
  "A_i__in__B" = c("In", "Not In"),
  "A_i__in__B_i" = c("In (Same Row)", "Not In (Same Row)"),
  "A_i__substr__B_i" = c("Substring Of (Same Row)",
                         "Not Substring Of (Same Row)"),
  "A_i__unique" = c("Is Unique", "Not Unique")
) %>% unlist
names(verb_function_map) %<>% gsub("[0-9]+", "", .)
analysis_params[, fun := factor(verb)]
levels(analysis_params$fun) %<>%
  match(verb_function_map) %>%
  "["(names(verb_function_map), .)
analysis_params$fun %<>% as.character

# Read data sources

message("Reading data sources...")

data_names <- avail_params[, name]
data_list <- replicate(length(data_names), list(), simplify = FALSE)
names(data_list) <- data_names
for (i in 1:nrow(avail_params))
  data_list[[i]] <- with(avail_params[i], readSource(
    file_path = path
    , sheet_name = sheet
    , header_row = header
    , column_names = columns[[1]]
    , rownames_name = rn

# Analysis ####

message("Performing comparisons...")

reports <- analyses <- vector("list", nrow(analysis_params))
names(reports) <- names(analyses) <- analysis_params[, outname]

rowAnalysis2report <- function(analysis, params = list()) {

  # Create a copy
  x <- copy(analysis)

  # Subset to logical_val of logical_col
  setnames(x, setdiff(names(x), c("rn", "value")), "logical_col")
  x <- x[logical_col == !grepl("Not", params$verb)]
  x[, logical_col := NULL]

  # Re-encode
  Encoding(x$value) <- "UTF-8"
  if (is.character(x$rn))
    Encoding(x$rn) <- "UTF-8"

  # Unique results only
  setkey(x, rn, value)
  setcolorder(x, key(x))
  x <- unique(x)

  # Flatten if desired
  if (params$outflat == "Yes") {
    dlm <- Rdelim(params$dlm1)
    if (!is.null(dlm)) {
      if (dlm == "\\n") dlm <- "\n"
      x <- x[, list(value = paste(value, collapse = dlm)), by = rn]

  # Retrieve all columns if desired
  setkey(x, rn)
  if (params$outcols == "Yes") {
    full_source <- copy(data_list[[params$name1]])
    setkey(full_source, rn)
    x <- x[full_source, nomatch = 0, allow.cartesian = TRUE]

  # Rename results columns
  if (is.null(params$rn1)) setnames(x, 1, "Row") else {
    if (is.na(params$rn1) | params$rn1 == params$col1) setnames(x, 1,
    else setnames(x, 1, params$rn1)
  setnames(x, 2, params$col1)



## Do it
for (i in 1:nrow(analysis_params)) {
  r <- analysis_params[i]
  args <- list(
    A = extractColumn(data_list[[r$name1]], r$col1, r$dlm1, r$rows1),
    B = if (!is.na(r$name2))
      extractColumn(data_list[[r$name2]], r$col2, r$dlm2, r$rows2),
    case = (r$case == "Yes")
  analyses[[i]] <- do.call(r$fun, args)
  reports[[i]] <- rowAnalysis2report(analyses[[i]], r)
  rm(r, args)

# Output ####

message("Writing results to output file...")


# Output file
exists <- TRUE
i <- 0
while (exists) {
  out_file <- if (i > 0) {
    file.path(cd, sprintf("Comparison_Reports_%s_(%s).xlsx", Sys.Date(), i))
  } else file.path(cd, sprintf("Comparison_Reports_%s.xlsx", Sys.Date()))
  exists <- file.exists(out_file)
  if (!exists)
    file.copy(parameterization_file, out_file)
  i <- i + 1

# Headers
headers <- analysis_params[, lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = c(
  "outname", "col1", "verb", "col2", "case", "name1", "name2",
  "rows1", "rows2", "dlm1", "dlm2")]
headers[, case := factor(case, c("Yes", "No"),
                         c("(Case Sensitive)", "(Not Case Sensitive)"))]
headers[!is.na(col2), header_title := paste(col1, verb, col2, case)]
headers[is.na(col2), header_title := paste(col1, verb, case)]
headers[, header_time := Sys.time()]
headers$header_col1 <- headers[, list(col1, name1, rows1, dlm1)] %>%
  t %>%
  as.data.table %>%
  lapply(as.list) %>%
  lapply(as.data.table) %>%
  lapply(setnames, c("Column", "Source", "Rows", "Delimiter")) %>%
headers$header_col2 <- headers[, list(col2, name2, rows2, dlm2)] %>%
  t %>%
  as.data.table %>%
  lapply(as.list) %>%
  lapply(as.data.table) %>%
  lapply(setnames, c("Column", "Source", "Rows", "Delimiter")) %>%

# Write
keep <- c(ls(), "i", "keep")

## Loop through reports and write
for (i in names(reports)) {

  message(i, "...")

  # Load workbook
  wb <- loadWorkbook(out_file)

  # Workbook styles

  ## Header title
  hd <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
    font = Font(wb, heightInPoints = 16, isBold = TRUE)

  ## Date
  dt <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
    dataFormat = DataFormat("m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss;@")

  ## Parameters header
  ph <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
    font = Font(wb, isItalic = TRUE)

  ## Column names header
  cn <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
    border = Border(position = c("BOTTOM", "TOP"),
                    pen = c("BORDER_THIN", "BORDER_MEDIUM")),
    font = Font(wb, isBold = TRUE)

  ## Column names header for reproduced data
  cnr <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
    border = Border(position = c("BOTTOM", "TOP"),
                    pen = c("BORDER_THIN", "BORDER_MEDIUM")),
    font = Font(wb, isBold = TRUE, isItalic = TRUE)

  ## Values
  vl <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
                          wrapText = TRUE)

  ## Values for reproduced data
  vlr <- CellStyle(
    alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_LEFT", vertical =
                          wrapText = TRUE),
    font = Font(wb, isItalic = TRUE)

  # Create sheet
  sh <- createSheet(wb, i)

  # Add header rows
  h <- headers[outname == i]
  addMergedRegion(sh, 1, 1, 1, 10)
  addMergedRegion(sh, 2, 2, 1, 10)
  rw <- createRow(sh, 1:2)
  cl <- createCell(rw, 1)

  ## Title
  addDataFrame(h[, header_title], sh, FALSE, FALSE, 1, 1)
  rw <- getRows(sh, 1)
  cl <- getCells(rw)
  lapply(cl, setCellStyle, hd)

  ## Date
  addDataFrame(h[, header_time], sh, FALSE, FALSE, 2, 1)
  rw <- getRows(sh, 2)
  cl <- getCells(rw)
  lapply(cl, setCellStyle, dt)

  ## Parameters
  addDataFrame(h[, header_col1] %>% as.data.frame, sh, TRUE, FALSE, 4, 1)
  if (h[, !is.na(col2)])
    addDataFrame(h[, header_col2] %>% as.data.frame, sh, FALSE, FALSE, 6, 1)
  rw <- getRows(sh, 4)
  cl <- getCells(rw)
  lapply(cl, setCellStyle, ph)
  rw <- getRows(sh, 5:6)
  cl <- getCells(rw)
  lapply(cl, setCellStyle, vl)

  # Add report
  addDataFrame(reports[[i]], sh, TRUE, FALSE, 8, 1)
  nc <- ncol(reports[[i]])

  ## Format column names
  rw <- getRows(sh, 8)
  cl <- getCells(rw, 1:2)
  lapply(cl, setCellStyle, cn)
  if (nc > 2)  {
    cl <- getCells(rw, 3:nc)
    lapply(cl, setCellStyle, cnr)

  ## Format values
  rw <- getRows(sh, 9:(nrow(reports[[i]]) + 9))
  cl <- getCells(rw, 1:2)
  lapply(cl, setCellStyle, vl)
  if (nc > 2)  {
    cl <- getCells(rw, 3:nc)
    lapply(cl, setCellStyle, vlr)

  ## Add autofilters
  if (ncol(reports[[i]]) > 26) {
    addAutoFilter(sh, sprintf("A8:%s%s%s",
                              LETTERS[floor(ncol(reports[[i]]) / 26)],
                              LETTERS[ncol(reports[[i]]) %% 26],
                              nrow(reports[[i]]) + 9))
  } else {
    addAutoFilter(sh, sprintf("A8:%s%s", LETTERS[ncol(reports[[i]])],
                              nrow(reports[[i]]) + 9))

  # Autofit columns
  autoSizeColumn(sh, 1:ncol(reports[[i]]))

  # Create freeze on report column names and results columns
  if (nc > 2) createFreezePane(sh, rowSplit = 9, colSplit = 3) else
    createFreezePane(sh, rowSplit = 9, colSplit = 1)

  # Save
  saveWorkbook(wb, out_file)
  rm(list = setdiff(ls(), keep))


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