[R] Presentation tables in R (knitr)

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Tue Nov 25 22:54:44 CET 2014

Pebbles in sand are also an alternative to Excel, but that doesn't mean people want to switch to abaci. Horse, meet water.

If you use LaTeX (or Rmarkdown-to-pdf in RStudio), then you can obtain much better looking tables using latex.tabular(). Unfortunately, LaTeX is just too scary for some people.  First time you try tell them how to tweak the column widths they will drop your toolchain like a hot rock. I recommend the Tom Sawyer approach for long-lasting results... but don't expect your fence to get painted this year.

Also, this is neither a LaTeX nor an RStudio support forum, but R is sort of in the middle and we presume you know about the others. Getting your lessons in multiple forums seems unfriendly, but that is the price of feeding a file through a sequence of knitr, rmarkdown, pandoc, and pdflatex processing, even if RStudio lets you do it with a single push of a button.
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On November 25, 2014 1:07:00 PM PST, Tom Wright <tom at maladmin.com> wrote:
>Hi Mark,
>It is the underscores that are my issue, I'd prefer multiple level row
>           |ID1                 |ID2
>           |Time1   |Time2  |Time1  |Time2
>           |OD |OS |OD |OS|OD |OS |OD |OS
>Height | 1    | 1  |  1   | 1 |  1   |  1  |  1  |  1
>Weight| 1    | 1  |  1   | 1 |  1   |  1  |  1  |  1
>Currently I'm using markdown in r-studio.
>And yes, I know the same information is in the dcast solution but I'm
>trying to convince people R is an alternative to excel.
>On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Mark Sharp <msharp at txbiomed.org>
>> Tom,
>> If you are wanting PDF as your output, are you wanting to use LaTeX
>> Markdown with knitr. LaTeX will give you more options. You have not
>> an attempt to use either for your table construction. Can you define
>> you mean by pretty? Is it the underscores in the column names that
>are the
>> problem?
>> Mark
>> > On Nov 25, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Tom Wright <tom at maladmin.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> > This problem has me stumped so I thought I'd ask the experts. I'm
>> > to create a pretty summary table of some data (which patients have
>> > what tests at what times). Ideally I'd like to knitr this into a
>> > PDF for presentation.
>> > If anyone has pointers I'll be grateful.
>> >
>> > require(tables)
>> > require(reshape2)
>> >
>> > data<-data.frame('ID'=paste0('pat',c(rep(1,8),rep(2,8))),
>> >                 'Time'=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4),
>> >                 'Eye'=rep(c('OS','OS','OD','OD'),4),
>> >                 'Measure'=rep(c('Height','Weight'),8))
>> >
>> > tabular(Measure~factor(ID)*factor(Time)*factor(Eye),data)
>> > #All levels of Time are repeated for all IDs, I'd prefer to just
>> > the relevant times.
>> >
>> > tabular(Measure~factor(ID)*Time*factor(Eye),data)
>> > #Time is getting collapsed by ID
>> >
>> > data$value=1
>> > dcast(data,Measure~ID+Time+Eye)
>> > #close but not very pretty
>> >
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