[R] Function that create day of the year column.
daniel319 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 14:29:33 CET 2014
Maybe, you can add a parameter with a list of the column names and inside
the function an if statement, if the list lenght is 1 use the function with
1 column else the 3 columns. I am sure you can find better solutions.
Daniel Merino
2014-11-04 9:30 GMT-03:00 Frederic Ntirenganya <ntfredo at gmail.com>:
> Hi Daniel,
> How can I add an if conditiopn or for loop to implement this in my
> function?
> ex: option1 : single date
> option2: date in 3 columns (year,moth,day)
> yday(Sys.Date())
> yday(as.Date(paste(y,m,d,sep="-")))
> Regards,
> Frederic.
> Frederic Ntirenganya
> Maseno University,
> African Maths Initiative,
> Kenya.
> Mobile:(+254)718492836
> Email: fredo at aims.ac.za
> https://sites.google.com/a/aims.ac.za/fredo/
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 3:20 PM, daniel <daniel319 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Frederic,
>> Check the lubridate library.
>> install.packages("lubridate")
>> library(lubridate)
>> yday(Sys.Date())
>> d <- 4
>> m <- 11
>> y <- 2014
>> yday(as.Date(paste(y,m,d,sep="-")))
>> Daniel Merino
>> 2014-11-04 7:01 GMT-03:00 Frederic Ntirenganya <ntfredo at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I would like to make a function that create Day of the year column in a
>>> dataset.
>>> State of the problem: write a function that create a day column either
>>> from
>>> a single date column (string/or factors) or from date in 3 columns (year,
>>> month, day).
>>> I made the following function for a single date. I would like to add a
>>> condition for date in 3 columns (year, month, day). My data is daily
>>> climate data.
>>> #write a function that create a day column either from a single date
>>> column
>>> (string/or factors)
>>> #or from date in 3 columns (year, month, day).
>>> DOY=function(data){
>>> #=================================================================
>>> #This function create day of teh year from a single date
>>> column(ex:2009-08-02) or/and
>>> #from the date in 3 columns (Year, month, Day).
>>> #================================================================
>>> data$Rain=as.numeric(as.character(data$Rain))
>>> dt=yday(data$Date) # single date of the data
>>> datelp= dt>59 & !leap_year(data$Date)# tell us that the date occurs
>>> during a leap year
>>> dt[datelp]=dt[datelp]+1 # add one for non leap_year
>>> cbind(data, dt) # combining columns of data
>>> conames(data)="DOY" # name of new column. ??I have a problem on how I
>>> can
>>> precise the column in gerenal.
>>> }
>>> ex: year month day Date Rain Tmin Tmax
>>> 1971 1 1 1971-01-01 0 8.2 15
>>> 1971 1 2 1971-01-02 0 4.2 11
>>> . . . . . . .
>>> . . . . . . .
>>> . . . . . . .
>>> Any ideal on how I can make this function is welcome. thanks!
>>> Frederic Ntirenganya
>>> Maseno University,
>>> African Maths Initiative,
>>> Kenya.
>>> Mobile:(+254)718492836
>>> Email: fredo at aims.ac.za
>>> https://sites.google.com/a/aims.ac.za/fredo/
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>> Daniel
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