[R] How to illustrate an interaction with plotLMER.fnc

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu May 15 02:52:41 CEST 2014

Haverinen-Shaughnessy Ulla <ulla.haverinen-shaughnessy <at> thl.fi> writes:

> Hello, I have built a linear mixed model (with lmer). 
> To illustrate an interaction between 
> two (originally) continuous variable, I would like to 
> plot the effects of X1 versus Y for 1=low and 2=high
> X2. I am using plotLMER.fnc but have not been able to 
> figure out the code. Could you help?
> Thanks, Ulla

  If you don't get an answer here you might try 
r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org.  Please (1) specify what additional
package(s) you're using and (2) if at all possible include a small
reproducible example (http://tinyurl.com/reproducible-000); this will
greatly increase your chances of getting an answer.

  Ben Bolker

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