[R] Making a package works on any R version

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Tue May 6 19:33:31 CEST 2014

Ashis Deb <ashisdeb83 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all   I  had made a package  in  R-3.0.3  , and its running  well   ,
> my  issue is  it  is  not running in  other versions   or  R   like
> R-3.0.2/3.0.1  it is  showing error  like  ---
> Error: This is R 3.0.2, package ‘xxx’ needs >= 3.0.3
> Does anybody  have  the solution  on  how  to  make this  package  run  on
> any  versions  .


  It sounds like there is a Depends: line in your DESCRIPTION file that
mandates R >= 3.0.3.  Try removing it?

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