[R] assigning dataframes in an ifelse statement

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Mon Mar 17 06:20:52 CET 2014

Solution is to not use ifelse. Use if...else...
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On March 16, 2014 9:58:25 PM PDT, BEUTEL Terry S <Terry.Beutel at daff.qld.gov.au> wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>I have three dataframes (A, B and C). B and C are subsets of the rows
>of A, for example...
>> A<-as.data.frame(cbind(1:5,21:25))
>> A
>  V1 V2
>1  1 21
>2  2 22
>3  3 23
>4  4 24
>5  5 25
>> B<-A[1:4,]
>> B
>  V1 V2
>1  1 21
>2  2 22
>3  3 23
>4  4 24
>> C<-A[3:5,]
>> C
>  V1 V2
>3  3 23
>4  4 24
>5  5 25
>I also have a single value called x
>> x<-2
>Basically I want to evaluate x and if it equals 2, then replace A with
>B, and otherwise replace A with C. However, when I attempt this, the
>new version of A is only a subset of the desired dataframe. For
>> A<-ifelse(x==2,B,C)
>> A
>[1] 1 2 3 4
>I'm sure this is simple, but haven't found a solution and would
>appreciate a tip.
>Terry Beutel
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