[R] Mapping

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Jun 6 12:15:41 CEST 2014

Tom Detzel <Tom.Detzel <at> propublica.org> writes:

> Hey Folks,
> Apologies in advance if this has been covered.
> I'm taking on a simple mapping project. What packages, tutorials and
> examples would you recommend for a
> beginning mapper in R?

The general advice is to look for CRAN Task Views, and in your case the
Spatial one is probably the most helpful, as it gives a dense overview to
start from. Also look at the R-bloggers aggregation service, for example
blogs by Oscar Perpigñán or James Cheshire, and others. The examples will
vary a lot depending on your application area.


> Thanks, Tom

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