[R] Merge rows
David Stevens
david.stevens at usu.edu
Mon Jul 14 17:48:54 CEST 2014
Cautionary note on the solution below. Be sure the 'sndr' is either
factor or character because, if sndr is numeric, as the list is
populated, R will fill in non-adjacent list items with NULLs, leaving a
list with many empty entries. So, the modified line is
On 7/12/2014 8:33 AM, David Stevens wrote:
> This is a (very) slightly modified version of Jim's reply that takes
> the sender's email our of the list element and uses it as the name so
> it can be accessed as newdat$'senders email' or newdat[['senders email']]
> newdat<-list()
> for(sndr in unique(rdvdf$sender)) {
> newvec<-
> as.character(unique(unlist(rdvdf[rdvdf$sender==sndr,])))
> newdat[[(sndr)]]<-newvec[which(!is.na(newvec))][-1]
> }
> David
> On 7/12/2014 1:07 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
>> On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:19:39 PM Ryan de Vera wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a data frame filled with senders and recipients. Some of the
>> senders
>>> have multiple rows with different recipients and I want to merge
>> those
>>> rows. For example I have
>>> a at email.com b at email.com
>>> a at email.com c at email.com d at email.com
>>> r at email.com f at email.com
>>> r at email.com h at email.com
>>> I want this to become
>>> a at email.com b at email.com c at email.com d at email.com
>>> r at email.com f at email.com h at email.com
>>> How would I go about doing this?
>> Hi Ryan,
>> This is a bit messy, but assuming that you do have a data frame like
>> this:
>> rdvdf<-
>> data.frame(sender=rep(c("a at email.com","r at email.com"),each=2),
>> recipient1=c("b at email.com","c at email.com","f at email.com","h at email.com"),
>> recipient2=c(NA,"d at email.com",NA,NA))
>> you can try this:
>> newdat<-list()
>> senderno<-1
>> for(sndr in unique(rdvdf$sender)) {
>> newvec<-
>> as.character(unique(unlist(rdvdf[rdvdf$sender==sndr,])))
>> newdat[[senderno]]<-newvec[!is.na(newvec)]
>> senderno<-senderno+1
>> }
>> Jim
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David K Stevens, P.E., Ph.D.
Professor and Head, Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Utah Water Research Laboratory
8200 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-8200
435 797 3229 - voice
435 797 1363 - fax
david.stevens at usu.edu
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