[R] Validation data critically small with GSIF

Chiara Vallebona chiara_valleb at yahoo.it
Tue Dec 9 12:33:17 CET 2014

I'm trying to make spatial prediction of rainfall erosivity (data from 23
Rainfall gauges) with GSIF package (RK method).

I got this error message (and no prediction):

"Error in validObject(.Object) :  invalid class "SpatialPredictions"
object: Validation data critically small (<50) for reliable

Is it possible to modify the threshold of 50 validation data?
Could you please give me a hint, any command to solve this issue?

Thank you and best regards


Chiara Vallebona, PhD candidate
Land Lab - Institute of Life Sciences
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
via S. Cecilia 3, 56127 - Pisa, Italy
tel.: +39 050883181
fax.: +39 050883526
e-mail: c.vallebona at sssup.it


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