[R] climstats

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Mon Sep 30 19:19:52 CEST 2013

On Sep 30, 2013, at 3:25 AM, Jenny Williams wrote:

> I have been trying to download the climstats package:
> https://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=861
> but it doesn't seem to run on R 3.0.2 or 3.0.1

What makes you say this? What errors are reprorted? ("Doesn't seems to run" is a bit vague.)

> and the zipfile is empty.

I was able to install version 1.0 from sources with:

install.packages("climstats", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org", type="source")

(I agree that the zipfile for Windows was not found.)

R version 3.0.1 Patched (2013-07-23 r63392) Running Mac OS 10.7.5. It appears to require a fair number of external package, so you would need to check the Depends in the description file. 

Depends: R (>= 2.13), raster, rgdal, chron, zoo, sp, ncdf, R.utils

It did not appear to do any C or Fortran compiling, so I think that means you do not need to have RTools installed on Windows.

But since it requires rgdal, you would need to have GDAL installed if you were to get it to load.

> Does anyone know the status of this package or where I can download it.
> Thanks
> ******************
> Jenny Williams
> Spatial Information Scientist, GIS Unit
> Herbarium, Library, Art & Archives Directorate
> Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
> Richmond, TW9 3AB, UK
> Tel: +44 (0)208 332 5277
> email: jenny.williams at kew.org<mailto:jenny.williams at kew.org>
> ******************
> Film: The Forgotten Home of Coffee - Beyond the Gardens<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uDtytKMKpA&sns=tw>
> Stories: Coffee Expedition - Ethiopia<http://storify.com/KewGIS/coffee-expedition-ethiopia>
>             Blog: Discovering Coffee in Ethiopia    <http://www.kew.org/news/kew-blogs/incrEdibles-food-blog/discovering-coffee.htm>
>             Kew in Harapan Rainforest Sumatra<http://storify.com/KewGIS/kew-in-harapan-rainforest>
> Articles: Seeing the wood for the trees<http://www.kew.org/ucm/groups/public/documents/document/kppcont_060602.pdf>
> How Kew's GIS team and South East Asia botanists are working to help conserve and restore a rainforest in Sumatra. Download a pdf of this article here.<http://www.kew.org/ucm/groups/public/documents/document/kppcont_060602.pdf>
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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