[R] Animate dataframe

Bart Joosen bartjoosen at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 25 18:32:41 CEST 2013

sorry for the double posting, but it seems my text was gone...

I'm running a code which does some alignment between data.
Now I want to follow the alignment while looping over the data.
I'm aware of the animation package, and saw the (easy) example where a plot
is animated by calling 100 times plot.
Is it possible to use this trick also for printing a dataframe to the
graphics device?
I tried already addtable2plot, but the table doesn't fit in the graphics
device (or I'm doing something wrong).
Here a simplified example of how the data looks and how it is filled:
dat <- data.frame(rows=rep(1:10, 15), columns=rep(1:15, each=10), result=NA)
dat$result <- NA
i = 0
while (!all(!is.na(dat$result))) {
	i = i + 1
	if (i==100) break
	dat$result[sample(1:nrow(dat),1)] <- rnorm(1)
in each loop should be something like:
function(x) paste(x[x!=""],collapse="/"))))
PS: I know that I can use a for loop instead of the while and if (i==100)
break construction, but hey, its an example, right? ;-) 		 	   		  

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