[R] two questions about xyplot
William Shadish
wshadish at ucmerced.edu
Tue Sep 24 00:25:14 CEST 2013
This worked perfectly (adding # before "update"). Thank you so much for
your help. I've bought a couple of books on R Graphics so I can learn
this stuff better.
On 9/23/2013 1:08 PM, Richard Kwock wrote:
> Hi,
> Getting text to show on the panel plots is a bit trickier, but doable.
> # append to the dataset the mean for each group and line
> d66df_mns <- cbind(d66df, "Means" = c(rep(c(mn1, mn2, mn3), each = 6)))
> # set the y_lim to extend a bit further above the graph to allow for
> the means to be displayed
> p<-xyplot(dvy ~ sessidx | case, group = numph, data=d66df_mns, col = c(1:4),
> layout=c(1, 3), xlab= "Sessions",
> ylab = "Number of Seconds", ylim = c(min(d66df_mns$dvy), 110),
> type="l")
> # pass in the means as an argument to the panel function
> update(p, panel=function(x, y, means = d66df_mns$Means, ... ){
> # print(list(...))
> # this will store the groups index by subscript into a variable
> grps <- list(...)$groups[list(...)$subscript]
> unique_indices <- !duplicated(grps)
> # this will get the mean for each panel and for each line
> mean_1 <- (means[list(...)$subscript][unique_indices])
> print(mean_1)
> print(x[unique_indices])
> panel.xyplot(x, y, ... )
> panel.abline(v=6.5)
> panel.abline(v=12.5)
> panel.abline(v=18.5)
> panel.abline(v=18.5)
> # print the mean values here.
> panel.text(x[unique_indices], 100, paste("M = " , round(mean_1,
> 2)), adj = c(0,0))
> } )
> If you are working in lattice a lot, print(list(...)) is a handy
> function that will show you what parameters values you are passing in
> as "..." in the panel function.
> Hope that helps.
> Richard
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Richard Kwock <richardkwock at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To answer your second question you can do something like this:
>> p<-xyplot(dvy ~ sessidx | case, group = numph, data=d66df, col = c(1:4),
>> layout=c(1, 3), xlab= "Sessions",
>> ylab = "Number of Seconds",
>> type="l")
>> update(p, panel=function(...){
>> panel.xyplot(...)
>> panel.abline(v=6.5)
>> panel.abline(v=12.5)
>> panel.abline(v=18.5)
>> } )
>> By setting the "group" parameter in xyplot to be "numph", xyplot will
>> plot different lines for each group of numph you have in each case.
>> For your first question, did you mean you want a text to display the
>> mean in each panel?
>> Richard
>> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 10:41 AM, William Shadish <wshadish at ucmerced.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear R helpers,
>>> I am generating three artificial short interrupted time series datasets
>>> (single-case designs; call them Case 1, Case 2, Case 3) and then plotting
>>> them in xyplot. I will put the entire code below so you can reproduce. I
>>> have been unable to figure out how to do two things.
>>> 1. Each time series has 24 time points divided into four phases. Call them
>>> phases A, B, C, D for convenience. I have used running() to compute the
>>> means of the observations in each of these four parts; and I saved these as
>>> objects called mn1 (for Case 1), mn2 (Case 2) and mn3 (Case 3). So mn1
>>> contains the four means for A, B, C, D phases for Case 1, etc. I want to
>>> insert these means into the xyplot in the appropriate place. For instance,
>>> insert the first mean from mn1 into phase A of Case 1, the second mean into
>>> phase B of Case 1, and so forth until insert the fourth mean from mn3 into
>>> phase D of Case 3. Ideally, it would insert something like "M = 49.02" or
>>> "Xbar = 49.02" into phase A for Case 1.
>>> 2. The xyplot code I use creates a line connecting the data points, and that
>>> line is continuous over the entire graph. I would like to have the lines be
>>> discontinuous between phases. Phase changes are indicated by panel.abline()
>>> in the code, and occur at time points 6.5, 12.5, and 18.5. So, for example,
>>> I would like a line connecting the datapoints from 1 to 6, then 7-12, then
>>> 13-18, then 19-24 (but not including 6-7, 12-13, and 18-19).
>>> I appreciate any help you might be able to offer.
>>> Will Shadish
>>> Here is the code:
>>> #############################################################################
>>> library(gtools)
>>> library(lattice)
>>> ###g = .66
>>> z <- rnorm(24, mean = 0, sd = 10)
>>> w <- rnorm(24, mean = 0, sd = 10)
>>> ###change mean = to vary the effect size
>>> tm <- rnorm(6, mean = 10, sd = 10)
>>> b <- rep(0,6)
>>> c <- rep(1,6)
>>> tmt <- c(b,tm,b,tm)
>>> for (t in 2:24) z[t] <- 0.25 * z[t - 1] + w[t]
>>> dvy <- 50 + z + tmt
>>> jid <- rep(1,24)
>>> sid <- rep(1,24)
>>> pid <- rep(1,24)
>>> dvid <- rep(1,24)
>>> desvar <- rep(1,24)
>>> dvdir <- rep(0,24)
>>> sessidx <- c(1:24)
>>> m <- rep(1,6)
>>> n <- rep(2,6)
>>> o <- rep(3,6)
>>> p <- rep(4,6)
>>> numph <- c(m,n,o,p)
>>> phasebtm <- c(b,c,b,c)
>>> d1 <- cbind(jid,sid,pid,dvid,desvar,dvdir,dvy,sessidx,numph,phasebtm)
>>> mn1 <- running(dvy, width=6, by=6)
>>> #second dataset
>>> z <- rnorm(24, mean = 0, sd = 10)
>>> w <- rnorm(24, mean = 0, sd = 10)
>>> tm <- rnorm(6, mean = 10, sd = 10)
>>> b <- rep(0,6)
>>> c <- rep(1,6)
>>> tmt <- c(b,tm,b,tm)
>>> for (t in 2:24) z[t] <- 0.25 * z[t - 1] + w[t]
>>> dvy <- 50 + z + tmt
>>> jid <- rep(1,24)
>>> sid <- rep(1,24)
>>> pid <- rep(2,24)
>>> dvid <- rep(1,24)
>>> desvar <- rep(1,24)
>>> dvdir <- rep(0,24)
>>> sessidx <- c(1:24)
>>> m <- rep(1,6)
>>> n <- rep(2,6)
>>> o <- rep(3,6)
>>> p <- rep(4,6)
>>> numph <- c(m,n,o,p)
>>> phasebtm <- c(b,c,b,c)
>>> d2 <- cbind(jid,sid,pid,dvid,desvar,dvdir,dvy,sessidx,numph,phasebtm)
>>> mn2 <- running(dvy, width=6, by=6)
>>> #third dataset
>>> z <- rnorm(24, mean = 0, sd = 10)
>>> w <- rnorm(24, mean = 0, sd = 10)
>>> tm <- rnorm(6, mean = 10, sd = 10)
>>> b <- rep(0,6)
>>> c <- rep(1,6)
>>> tmt <- c(b,tm,b,tm)
>>> for (t in 2:24) z[t] <- 0.25 * z[t - 1] + w[t]
>>> dvy <- 50 + z + tmt
>>> jid <- rep(1,24)
>>> sid <- rep(1,24)
>>> pid <- rep(3,24)
>>> dvid <- rep(1,24)
>>> desvar <- rep(1,24)
>>> dvdir <- rep(0,24)
>>> sessidx <- c(1:24)
>>> m <- rep(1,6)
>>> n <- rep(2,6)
>>> o <- rep(3,6)
>>> p <- rep(4,6)
>>> numph <- c(m,n,o,p)
>>> phasebtm <- c(b,c,b,c)
>>> d3 <- cbind(jid,sid,pid,dvid,desvar,dvdir,dvy,sessidx,numph,phasebtm)
>>> mn3 <- running(dvy, width=6, by=6)
>>> #concatenate d1 d2 d3
>>> d66 <- rbind(d1, d2, d3)
>>> d66df <- as.data.frame(d66)
>>> d66df$case <- ordered(d66df$pid,
>>> levels = c(1,2,3),
>>> labels = c("Case 3", "Case 2", "Case 1"))
>>> p<-xyplot(dvy ~ sessidx | case, data=d66df,
>>> layout=c(1, 3), xlab= "Sessions",
>>> ylab = "Number of Seconds",
>>> type="l")
>>> update(p, panel=function(...){
>>> panel.xyplot(...)
>>> panel.abline(v=6.5)
>>> panel.abline(v=12.5)
>>> panel.abline(v=18.5)
>>> } )
>>> --
>>> William R. Shadish
>>> Distinguished Professor
>>> Founding Faculty
>>> Mailing Address:
>>> William R. Shadish
>>> University of California
>>> School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
>>> 5200 North Lake Rd
>>> Merced CA 95343
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>>> University of California Merced
>>> ATTN: William Shadish
>>> School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
>>> Facilities Services Building A
>>> 5200 North Lake Rd.
>>> Merced, CA 95343
>>> 209-228-4372 voice
>>> 209-228-4007 fax (communal fax: be sure to include cover sheet)
>>> wshadish at ucmerced.edu
>>> http://faculty.ucmerced.edu/wshadish/index.htm
>>> http://psychology.ucmerced.edu
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William R. Shadish
Distinguished Professor
Founding Faculty
Mailing Address:
William R. Shadish
University of California
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
5200 North Lake Rd
Merced CA 95343
Physical/Delivery Address:
University of California Merced
ATTN: William Shadish
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Facilities Services Building A
5200 North Lake Rd.
Merced, CA 95343
209-228-4372 voice
209-228-4007 fax (communal fax: be sure to include cover sheet)
wshadish at ucmerced.edu
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