[R] Privacy rights of an old user of this list

S Ellison S.Ellison at LGCGroup.com
Thu Sep 12 19:23:14 CEST 2013

> I would like to know your opinion about a privacy problem that I recently had after publishing to this list. 
Well, in short, you appear to have wilfully ignored the terms of membership of the list, posted intentionally on a public mailing list without checking where the posts would end up, complained unreasonably that their distribution surprises you, compounded that by claiming to be an irresponsible juvenile at the time of signing up ('too young to understand the consequences ...', you said?), and now publicly distributed an admission of wilful omission.

On that basis, my opinion is that you neither have cause to complain, or to assert that the mailing list owners are to blame for your dismay at the consequences your actions. The responsibility is entirely your own.

I am also of the opinion that the list owner was not showing disrespect by describing the state of affairs you agreed to on signing up, or by declining to act beyond the requirements of the conditions applicable to the list. 

Steve E

PS: For the record, I am not associated with the management of this list and the above is a personal opinion and not given in any professional capacity. 

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