[R] Writing list into csv file
smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 3 16:09:52 CEST 2013
Please use dput() to show the example dataset:
Not sure this matches with your original example though..
lst1<- structure(list(Contrasts = structure(list(linear = c(-0.437,
-0.378, -0.201, 0.271, 0.743), emax1 = c(-0.799, -0.17, 0.207,
0.362, 0.399), emax2 = c(-0.643, -0.361, 0.061, 0.413, 0.53),
linInt = c(-0.894, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224, 0.224)), .Names = c("linear",
"emax1", "emax2", "linInt"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("0",
"0.05", "0.2", "0.6", "1")), `Contrast Correlation` = structure(list(
linear = c(1, 0.766, 0.912, 0.488), emax1 = c(0.766, 1, 0.949,
0.893), emax2 = c(0.912, 0.949, 1, 0.719), linInt = c(0.488,
0.893, 0.719, 1)), .Names = c("linear", "emax1", "emax2",
"linInt"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("linear", "emax1",
"emax2", "linInt")), `Multiple Contrast Test` = structure(list(
t.Stat = c(3.464, 3.339, 2.972, 2.486), adj.p = structure(1:4, .Label = c("< 0.001",
"0.00143", "0.00459", "0.01610"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("t.Stat",
"adj.p"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("emax2", "emax1",
"linear", "linInt"))), .Names = c("Contrasts", "Contrast Correlation",
"Multiple Contrast Test"))
You may try:
capture.output(sapply(lst1,print),file="test.csv",append=TRUE) #not perfect as some headings might be misplaced.
Hello Guys
Say I have a List MM with
Multiple Contrast Test
linear emax1 emax2 linInt
0 -0.437 -0.799 -0.643 -0.894
0.05 -0.378 -0.170 -0.361 0.224
0.2 -0.201 0.207 0.061 0.224
0.6 0.271 0.362 0.413 0.224
1 0.743 0.399 0.530 0.224
Contrast Correlation:
linear emax1 emax2 linInt
linear 1.000 0.766 0.912 0.488
emax1 0.766 1.000 0.949 0.893
emax2 0.912 0.949 1.000 0.719
linInt 0.488 0.893 0.719 1.000
Multiple Contrast Test:
t-Stat adj-p
emax2 3.464 < 0.001
emax1 3.339 0.00143
linear 2.972 0.00459
linInt 2.486 0.01610
each element of MM has different number elements of diffrent
datatypes. I wanted write a single csv file containning all the
Is is possible to do in R.
Krishna | Cytel
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