[R] lapply to multivariate function?
Rui Barradas
ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
Sun Sep 1 23:45:46 CEST 2013
I have no experience with packages foreach and doMC.
But I believe that paralel computing only pays if the datasets are
really large, due to the setup time. Maybe "thousands of observations"
is not that large.
Rui Barradas
Em 01-09-2013 22:21, Ignacio Martinez escreveu:
> Thanks a lot Rui. Loops make sense to me. I made one modification to your
> code. I have thousands of observation, so I would like to run it in
> parallel. This is my reproducible example:
> # Make Data Frame for video actions between given times for user X
> DataVideoActionT <- function (userX, Time1, Time2, Time3){
> #Get data for user X
> videoActionsX<-subset(videoLectureActions, username==userX)
> #Time1 = before first attempt
> videoActionsX_T1<-subset(videoActionsX, eventTimestamp<Time1)
> #Time2 = before best attemp
> videoActionsX_T2<-subset(videoActionsX, eventTimestamp<Time2 &
> eventTimestamp>Time1)
> #Time3= before last attemp
> videoActionsX_T3<-subset(videoActionsX, eventTimestamp<Time3 &
> eventTimestamp>Time1)
> error1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" error ")
> pause1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" pause ")
> play1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" play ")
> ratechange1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" ratechange ")
> seeked1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" seeked ")
> stalled1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" stalled ")
> error2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" error ")
> pause2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" pause ")
> play2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" play ")
> ratechange2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" ratechange ")
> seeked2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" seeked ")
> stalled2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" stalled ")
> error3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" error ")
> pause3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" pause ")
> play3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" play ")
> ratechange3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" ratechange ")
> seeked3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" seeked ")
> stalled3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" stalled ")
> data<-data.frame(anon_ID=userX,
> error1 = error1,
> pause1 = pause1,
> play1 = play1,
> ratechange1 = ratechange1,
> seeked1=seeked1,
> stalled1=stalled1,
> error2 = error2,
> pause2 = pause2,
> play2 = play2,
> ratechange2 = ratechange2,
> seeked2 =seeked2,
> stalled2 = stalled2,
> error3 = error3,
> pause3 = pause3,
> play3 = play3,
> ratechange3 = ratechange3,
> seeked3 = seeked3,
> stalled3 = stalled3)
> return(data)
> }
> videoLectureActions<-structure(list(username = c("exampleID1",
> "exampleID1", "exampleID1",
> "exampleID2",
> "exampleID2", "exampleID2", "exampleID3", "exampleID3",
> "exampleID3",
> "exampleID3"), currentTime = c("103.701247", "103.701247",
> "107.543877", "107.543877", "116.456507", "116.456507",
> "119.987188",
> "177.816693", "183.417124", "183.417124"), playbackRate =
> c("null",
> "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null",
> "null"), pause = c("true", "false", "true", "false", "true",
> "false", "true", "false", "true", "false"), error =
> c("null",
> "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null",
> "null"), networkState = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1",
> "1", "1", "1"), readyState = c("4", "4", "4", "4",
> "4", "4",
> "4", "4", "4",
> "4"), lectureID = c("exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1",
> "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1",
> "exampleLectureID1",
> "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1",
> "exampleLectureID1",
> "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1"), eventTimestamp =
> c("2013-03-04 18:51:49",
> "2013-03-04 18:51:50", "2013-03-04 18:51:54", "2013-03-04 18:51:56",
> "2013-03-04 18:52:05", "2013-03-04 18:52:07", "2013-03-04 18:52:11",
> "2013-03-04 18:59:17", "2013-03-04 18:59:23", "2013-03-04 18:59:31"
> ), initTimestamp = c("2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04
> 18:44:15",
> "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04
> 18:44:15", "2013-03-04 18:44:15",
> "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04
> 18:44:15", "2013-03-04 18:44:15",
> "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04
> 18:44:15"), type = c(" pause ",
> " play ", " pause ", " play ", " pause ", " play ", " pause
> ",
> " play ", " pause ", " play "), prevTime = c("103.701247 ",
> "103.701247 ",
> "107.543877 ",
> "107.543877 ", "116.456507 ", "116.456507 ", "119.987188 ",
> "177.816693 ",
> "183.417124 ", "183.417124 ")), .Names = c("username",
> "currentTime", "playbackRate",
> "pause", "error", "networkState",
> "readyState", "lectureID",
> "eventTimestamp", "initTimestamp",
> "type", "prevTime"), row.names =
> c(1L, 2L, 5L, 6L, 17L, 21L,
> 28L, 936L, 957L, 988L), class = "data.frame")
> data<-structure(list(anon_ID = c("exampleID1", "exampleID2", "exampleID3"
> ), maxGrade = c(10, 5, 10), firstGrade = c(10, 5, 8), lastGrade = c(10, 5,
> 10), total_submissions = c(1L, 1L, 3L), Time1 = structure(c(1361993741,
> 1362356090, 1362357401), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TimeM
> = structure(c(1361993741, 1362356090, 1362492744), class = c("POSIXct",
> "POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TimeL = structure(c(1361993741, 1362356090,
> 1362492744), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "")), .Names =
> c("anon_ID", "maxGrade", "firstGrade", "lastGrade", "total_submissions",
> "Time1", "TimeM", "TimeL"), row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
> library(foreach)
> library(doMC)
> registerDoMC(2) #change the 2 to your number of CPU cores
> n <- nrow(data)
> res <- list("vector", n)
> foreach(i=1:n, .verbose=FALSE, .combine=rbind) %do% {
> res[[i]] <- with(data, DataVideoActionT(anon_ID[i], Time1[i], TimeM[i],
> TimeL[i]))
> }
> test<-do.call(rbind, res)
> I have 2 questions.
> 1. How can I make foreach not print to the console?
> 2. I want to run this in parallel, I i change the %do% for %dopar% the code
> stop working. Instead of getting test with 3 observations and 19 variables
> I get a 2x1 character matrix
> Thanks!
> On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas at sapo.pt> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Your example doesn't really run, but for what I've seen, if your second
>> data frame is named dat2, something along the lines of
>> n <- nrow(dat2)
>> res <- list("vector", n)
>> for(i in 1:n){
>> res[[i]] <- with(dat2, DataVideoActionT(anon_ID[i], Time1[i],
>> TimeM[i], TimeL[i]))
>> }
>> do.call(rbind, res)
>> Rui Barradas
>> Em 01-09-2013 17:40, Ignacio Martinez escreveu:
>>> I hope this reproduceble example helps understand what I'm trying to do.
>>> This is the function:
>>> # Make Data Frame for video actions between given times for user X
>>> DataVideoActionT <- function (userX, Time1, Time2, Time3){
>>> #Get data for user X
>>> videoActionsX<-subset(**videoLectureActions, username==userX)
>>> #Time1 = before first attempt
>>> videoActionsX_T1<-subset(**videoActionsX, eventTimestamp<Time1)
>>> #Time2 = before best attemp
>>> videoActionsX_T2<-subset(**videoActionsX, eventTimestamp<Time2 &
>>> eventTimestamp>Time1)
>>> #Time3= before last attemp
>>> videoActionsX_T3<-subset(**videoActionsX, eventTimestamp<Time3 &
>>> eventTimestamp>Time1)
>>> error1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" error ")
>>> pause1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" pause ")
>>> play1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" play ")
>>> ratechange1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" ratechange ")
>>> seeked1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" seeked ")
>>> stalled1 = sum(videoActionsX_T1$type==" stalled ")
>>> error2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" error ")
>>> pause2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" pause ")
>>> play2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" play ")
>>> ratechange2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" ratechange ")
>>> seeked2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" seeked ")
>>> stalled2 = sum(videoActionsX_T2$type==" stalled ")
>>> error3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" error ")
>>> pause3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" pause ")
>>> play3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" play ")
>>> ratechange3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" ratechange ")
>>> seeked3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" seeked ")
>>> stalled3 = sum(videoActionsX_T3$type==" stalled ")
>>> data<-data.frame(anon_ID=**userX,
>>> error1 = error1,
>>> pause1 = pause1,
>>> play1 = play1,
>>> ratechange1 = ratechange1,
>>> seeked1=seeked1,
>>> stalled1=stalled1,
>>> error2 = error2,
>>> pause2 = pause2,
>>> play2 = play2,
>>> ratechange2 = ratechange2,
>>> seeked2 =seeked2,
>>> stalled2 = stalled2,
>>> error3 = error3,
>>> pause3 = pause3,
>>> play3 = play3,
>>> ratechange3 = ratechange3,
>>> seeked3 = seeked3,
>>> stalled3 = stalled3)
>>> return(data)
>>> }
>>> This is the videoActionsX dataframe:
>>> structure(list(username = c("exampleID1", "exampleID1", "exampleID1",
>>> "exampleID2", "exampleID2", "exampleID2",
>>> "exampleID3", "exampleID3",
>>> "exampleID3", "exampleID3"), currentTime =
>>> c("103.701247", "103.701247",
>>> "107.543877", "107.543877", "116.456507", "116.456507", "119.987188",
>>> "177.816693", "183.417124", "183.417124"), playbackRate = c("null",
>>> "null", "null",
>>> "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null",
>>> "null"), pause =
>>> c("true", "false", "true", "false", "true",
>>> "false", "true", "false", "true", "false"), error = c("null",
>>> "null", "null",
>>> "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null",
>>> "null"),
>>> networkState
>>> = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1",
>>> "1", "1", "1"), readyState = c("4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4",
>>> "4", "4", "4", "4"), lectureID =
>>> c("exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1",
>>> "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1",
>>> "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1",
>>> "exampleLectureID1", "exampleLectureID1"), eventTimestamp = c("2013-03-04
>>> 18:51:49",
>>> "2013-03-04
>>> 18:51:50", "2013-03-04 18:51:54", "2013-03-04 18:51:56",
>>> "2013-03-04
>>> 18:52:05", "2013-03-04 18:52:07", "2013-03-04 18:52:11",
>>> "2013-03-04
>>> 18:59:17", "2013-03-04 18:59:23", "2013-03-04 18:59:31"
>>> ),
>>> initTimestamp = c("2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04 18:44:15",
>>> "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04
>>> 18:44:15",
>>> "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04
>>> 18:44:15",
>>> "2013-03-04 18:44:15", "2013-03-04 18:44:15"), type = c("
>>> pause ",
>>> "
>>> play ", " pause ", " play ", " pause ", " play ", " pause ",
>>> "
>>> play ", " pause ", " play "), prevTime = c("103.701247 ", "103.701247 ",
>>> "107.543877 ", "107.543877 ",
>>> "116.456507 ", "116.456507 ", "119.987188 ",
>>> "177.816693 ", "183.417124 ",
>>> "183.417124 ")), .Names = c("username",
>>> "currentTime", "playbackRate", "pause", "error",
>>> "networkState",
>>> "readyState", "lectureID", "eventTimestamp",
>>> "initTimestamp",
>>> "type", "prevTime"), row.names = c(1L, 2L, 5L, 6L,
>>> 17L, 21L,
>>> 28L, 936L, 957L,
>>> 988L), class = "data.frame")
>>> But with over 2000 observation.
>>> And this is the other data frame
>>> structure(list(anon_ID = c("exampleID1", "exampleID2", "exampleID3" ),
>>> maxGrade = c(10, 5, 10), firstGrade = c(10, 5, 8), lastGrade = c(10,
>>> 5, 10), total_submissions = c(1L, 1L, 3L), Time1 =
>>> structure(c(1361993741, 1362356090, 1362357401), class = c("POSIXct",
>>> "POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TimeM = structure(c(1361993741, 1362356090,
>>> 1362492744), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TimeL =
>>> structure(c(1361993741, 1362356090, 1362492744), class = c("POSIXct",
>>> "POSIXt"), tzone = "")), .Names = c("anon_ID", "maxGrade",
>>> "firstGrade", "lastGrade", "total_submissions", "Time1", "TimeM",
>>> "TimeL"), row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
>>> But with a lot more observations.
>>> What I want to do is to call function (userX, Time1, Time2, Time3)
>>> for all the user in the second data frame where Time1=Time1,
>>> Time2=TimeM, Time3=TimeL
>>> I hope that is more clear.
>>> Thanks a lot for all the help!
>>> On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Bert Gunter <gunter.berton at gene.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Oh, another possibility is ?mapply, which I should have pointed out in my
>>>> previous reply. Sorry.
>>>> -- Bert
>>>> On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Bert Gunter <bgunter at gene.com> wrote:
>>>> Rui et.al.:
>>>>> But apply will not work if the data frame has columns of different
>>>>> classes/types, as appears to be the case here. Viz, from ?apply:
>>>>> "If X is not an array but an object of a class with a non-null dim<
>>>>> value (such as a data frame),apply attempts to coerce it to an array
>>>>> via
>>>>> as.matrix if it is two-dimensional (e.g., a data frame) or via
>>>>> as.array.
>>>>> "
>>>>> Simply looping by rows (via for() ) appears to be the simplest and
>>>>> probably fastest solution. There are other ways via tapply() and
>>>>> friends,
>>>>> but these are also essentially loops and are likely to incur some
>>>>> additional overhead.
>>>>> All assuming I understand what the OP has requested, of course.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Bert
>>>>> On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Maybe you need apply, not lapply. It seems you want to apply() a
>>>>>> function to the first dimension of your data.frame, something like
>>>>>> apply(dat, 1, fun) #apply by rows
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> Rui Barradas
>>>>>> Em 01-09-2013 15:00, Ignacio Martinez escreveu:
>>>>>> I have a Data Frame that contains, between other things, the following
>>>>>>> fields: userX, Time1, Time2, Time3. The number of observations is
>>>>>>> 2000.
>>>>>>> I have a function that has as inputs userX, Time1, Time2, Time3 and
>>>>>>> return
>>>>>>> a data frame with 1 observation and 19 variables.
>>>>>>> I want to apply that function to all the observations of the first
>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>> frame to make a new data frame with 2000 observations and 19
>>>>>>> variables.
>>>>>>> I thought about using lapply, but if I understand correctly, it only
>>>>>>> takes
>>>>>>> one variable.
>>>>>>> Can somebody point me in the right direction?
>>>>>>> Thanks!
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Bert Gunter
>>>>> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
>>>>> Internal Contact Info:
>>>>> Phone: 467-7374
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>>>> --
>>>> Bert Gunter
>>>> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
>>>> Internal Contact Info:
>>>> Phone: 467-7374
>>>> Website:
>>>> http://pharmadevelopment.**roche.com/index/pdb/pdb-**
>>>> functional-groups/pdb-**biostatistics/pdb-ncb-home.htm<http://pharmadevelopment.roche.com/index/pdb/pdb-functional-groups/pdb-biostatistics/pdb-ncb-home.htm>
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