[R] Subtotals by id for a large number of columns XXXX

Rui Barradas ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
Wed Oct 30 13:01:20 CET 2013


If I understand it correctly, just change mysum to the following.

mysum<-function(x) tapply(x,d1$id,sum)

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Em 30-10-2013 11:07, Dan Abner escreveu:
> Hi everybody,
> I have data in the format of the example data below where essentially a
> large number of indicator variables (coded [0,1]) reflect traits of the
> same id across multiple rows. I need to represent the data in a 1 row per
> id format. I see this as being similar to converting from long to wide
> format, however, there is no time component here: The multiple rows here
> are all characteristics observed at the same measurement occasion. So,
> really I just need an individual sum for each variable (for a large number
> of variables) and for these to be all saved in the same row (along with the
> id variable and other demographics (e.g., "location").
> Here is the example df and the method I used first:
> d1<-data.frame(id=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4),location=factor(c(rep(0,7),rep(1,3)),
>   labels=c("A","B")),var1=as.logical(round(runif(10))),
>   var2=as.logical(round(runif(10))),var3=as.logical(round(runif(10))))
> d1
> mysum<-function(x) aggregate(x,by=list(d1$id),sum)
> d2<-sapply(d1[2:4],mysum)
> d2
> Any help is appreciated!!
> Thanks!
> Dan
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