[R] promise already under evaluation
Sam Steingold
sds at gnu.org
Wed Jul 3 17:33:47 CEST 2013
Hi, I asked this question on SO but got no answers:
I understand that you are probably sick and tired of answering the same question again,
but I am still getting the error discussed in several other questions:
>>> promise already under evaluation: recursive default argument reference or earlier problems?
even though I did follow the "cumbersome" advice of prepending ".":
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
show.large.objects.threshold <- 100000
show.large.objects.exclude <- c("closure")
show.large.objects <- function (.envir = sys.frame(),
threshold = show.large.objects.threshold,
exclude = show.large.objects.exclude) {
for (n in print(ls(.envir, all.names = TRUE))) tryCatch({
o <- get(n,envir = .envir)
s <- object.size(o)
if (s > threshold && !(typeof(o) %in% exclude)) {
cat(n,": ")
}, error = function(e) { cat("n=",n,"\n"); print(e) })
show.large.objects.stack <- function (threshold = show.large.objects.threshold,
skip.levels = 1,# do not examine the last level - this function
exclude = show.large.objects.exclude) {
for (level in 1:(sys.nframe()-skip.levels)) {
cat("*** show.large.objects.stack(",level,") ")
show.large.objects(.envir = sys.frame(level))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
but I still get errors:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> f <- function () { c <- 1:1e7; d <- 1:1e6; print(system.time(show.large.objects.stack())) }
> f()
*** show.large.objects.stack( 1 ) f()
[1] "c" "d"
c : 38.1 Mb
d : 3.8 Mb
*** show.large.objects.stack( 2 ) print(system.time(show.large.objects.stack()))
[1] "..." "x"
n= ...
<simpleError in get(n, envir = .envir): argument "..." is missing, with no default>
n= x
<simpleError in get(n, envir = .envir): promise already under evaluation: recursive default argument reference or earlier problems?>
*** show.large.objects.stack( 3 ) system.time(show.large.objects.stack())
[1] "expr" "gcFirst" "ppt" "time"
n= expr
<simpleError in get(n, envir = .envir): promise already under evaluation: recursive default argument reference or earlier problems?>
user system elapsed
0 (0.00ms) 0 (0.00ms) 0.002 (2.00ms)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
So, what am I still doing wrong?
Do I really need the . in .envir?
Why do I get the [[argument "..." is missing, with no default]] error?
Why do I get the [[promise already under evaluation]] error?
What is the right way to pass threshold and exclude from
show.large.objects.stack to show.large.objects?
PS. I would prefer an answer on SO, but please feel free to reply using any
venue you like and I will copy your explanation to the other venues.
Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on Ubuntu 13.04 (raring) X 11.0.11303000
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